Wilma Lopez
Wilma Lopez
Hundreds of people formed a human Rosary today at Knock Shrine, Ireland
Not sure there are actually hundreds of people forming the human Rosary in this picture, but clearly it was a great effort and makes a very strong …More
Not sure there are actually hundreds of people forming the human Rosary in this picture, but clearly it was a great effort and makes a very strong statement. 😎
Wilma Lopez
Fernández: It is now explicit that "couple" in Fiducia supplicans doesn't actually mean couple, it just means more than one not necessarily related individuals [hahahhahaha].
If they're trying to "walk this back" it won't work - JUST REPEAL THE WHOLE FLAWED DOCUMENT!! 😫 😤
Billy F
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Wilma Lopez shares from Tomito Barnin Railin

A “fraternal visit” to the diocese of Bayonne against a backdrop of suspicions of "sectarian excesses"

The governance of bishop Monseigneur Marc Aillet -one of the best bishops in France and promoted to the episcopate in 2008- and his diocese of Bayonne-Lescar-Oloron in the eye of the Vatican . The Holy …More
The governance of bishop Monseigneur Marc Aillet -one of the best bishops in France and promoted to the episcopate in 2008- and his diocese of Bayonne-Lescar-Oloron in the eye of the Vatican . The Holy See has ordered a “ fraternal visit ” from this Monday, June 3 following several letters and complaints from the faithful, confirming information from La Croix . The archbishop of Dijon was responsible for conducting a series of confidential interviews with the various members of the diocese, which has 200 priests in Béarn and the Basque Country. “ The idea is to take an overview of the functioning of the diocese, and then at the end I will meet the bishop to discuss with him ,” confides archbishop Antoine Hérouard, promoted to the episcopacy by Francis.
The archbishop of Dijon will carry out seven interviews per day for the first week alongside a nun who will take note of all the exchanges. He will conduct a second interview session in early July, before sending a report to the Vatican …More
Wilma Lopez

‘They are the Gestapo’: AG Ken Paxton says his office was intimidated after he investigated FBI - …

(LifeSiteNews) — Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton shared Tuesday that the Federal Bureau of …
Corpus Christi Procession with Pope Pius XI in St. Peter's Square, May 31, 1934
Seeds of Vatican II lurks in their mist They embraced modernism they were not deceived. Pope St Plus X warned them
O, how we long for such days of wonder and majestic splendor again! 😐😢😭
What is more disturbing for Catholics is the Pope’s apparent inconsistency on the matter of homosexuality and Church teaching.'

The Pope doesn’t just have a vulgar language problem

The Pope is only infallible when he speaks ‘ex cathedra’ – i.e. when pronouncing on doctrinal matters of faith as Pontifex Maximus. So, last week,…
chris griffin
The Spectator.co.uk is wrong. Infallibility can be invoked by doctrines of DIVINE AND CATHOLIC FAITH. 5. The first paragraph states: "With firm faith …More
The Spectator.co.uk is wrong. Infallibility can be invoked by doctrines of DIVINE AND CATHOLIC FAITH.
5. The first paragraph states: "With firm faith, I also believe everything contained in the word of God, whether written or handed down in Tradition, which the Church, either by a solemn judgement or by the ordinary and universal Magisterium, sets forth to be believed as divinely revealed". The object taught in this paragraph is constituted by all those doctrines of divine and catholic faith which the Church proposes as divinely and formally revealed and, as such, as irreformable.11
Ex cathedra is used for doctrines that are not in the Bible such as the Marian dogmas.
Sean Johnson
There’s no inconsistency. He’s destabilizing certitudes regarding Church teaching, and emboldening her enemies to create momentum for change (as though …More
There’s no inconsistency. He’s destabilizing certitudes regarding Church teaching, and emboldening her enemies to create momentum for change (as though such a thing were possible). Two steps forward, one step back. You can’t just change overnight without backlash from the obvious violation. These things need to be done incrementally and methodically, and this is exactly what he’s doing.

It's time Pope Francis learned the dangers of careless talk - Catholic Herald

The Pope is Christ’s vicar on earth, the spiritual head of the Church. But this Pope can also be humanly indiscreet and …
He speaks like the Nightclub Bouncer and Doorman that he was in his young adulthood.
All Saints
Yes, who can forget his “ coprophilia “ comment?🙄 I realize that other cultures often speak crudely and don’t give it a second thought. But ajorge …More
Yes, who can forget his “ coprophilia “ comment?🙄 I realize that other cultures often speak crudely and don’t give it a second thought. But ajorge just wallows in it.
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The Diocese of Fresno has announced a plan to file for bankruptcy as it faces over 154 claims from victims of sexual abuse by clergy members.
Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
Norcia gains abbey status 🇮🇹

Benedictine Monastery of Norcia Becomes an Abbey

The Roman Rite Benedictine monastery of Norcia, Italy, founded 25 years ago, has been canonically raised to the status of an abbey, the monks have announced. The current prior, Dom Benedict Nivakoff,…More
The Roman Rite Benedictine monastery of Norcia, Italy, founded 25 years ago, has been canonically raised to the status of an abbey, the monks have announced.
The current prior, Dom Benedict Nivakoff, was elected abbot on 28 May. He is the first abbot of Norcia since 1792, when another monk bearing the name of St Benedict, Abbot Benedetto Cipriani, died.
Father Cassian Folsom, the founder of the Benedictine monks of Norcia, Italy, first experienced Mass in the 1990s when he visited the Roman Rite monastery of Le Barroux in France. The community is growing and the buildings are being extended.
He met "HUNDREDS" of "gay priests". How would he know this?
Keep them away from me and my family! When my "gaydar" goes off and I sense them, I flee and go elsewhere!! Good Lord, deliver us!
There are many good people who sin; that doesn't change the fact of the sin. Jesus told the woman at the well; Go and sin no more.
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Bishop Robert Barron on Bill Maher …

Opinion: I’m a Catholic bishop who has found an ally in Bill Maher | CNN

Editor’s Note: Bill Maher first came to my attention in the 1980s as a clever, wry and politically alert stand-up comic. But I …
Maybe he didn't speak of homosexuals but of "trad homosexuals" - the "women priests with lace".

Has the Pope finally completely lost the plot? He cannot carry on governing the Church like this.

Has the Pope finally completely lost the plot? He cannot carry on governing the Church like this. Not …
I do not understand. "He cannot carry on governing the Church like this" because of what? Because some sodomites, whose sins are crying for vengeance …More
I do not understand. "He cannot carry on governing the Church like this" because of what? Because some sodomites, whose sins are crying for vengeance to Heaven, will feel bad?
Analysis from the BBC on Pope Francis and the fallout from his comments on homosexual seminarians.
English Catholic
English Catholic
I said this would happen: see my comment on this thread: Pope Francis allegedly used derogatory term for gay people The BBC is a hotbed of homosexuals …More
I said this would happen: see my comment on this thread: Pope Francis allegedly used derogatory term for gay people The BBC is a hotbed of homosexuals, so would obviously make an issue of this. But as I predicted, Pope Francis has backed down. Truth has given way to political correctness, once again.
Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis’ Vatican has ‘Adopted the Ideology of the French Revolution’

Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis’ Vatican has ‘Adopted the Ideology of the French Revolution’

“Pope summons 30 Nobel Prize winners to reflect on fraternity,” reads a World Meeting on Human Fraternity…
"There has been shock at the Pope’s reported language at this private meeting, particularly as he has often talked publicly of being respectful towards gay people."

Pope Francis allegedly used derogatory term for gay people

Pope allegedly used derogatory term for gay people Pope Francis is reported to have used extremely derogatory language in an incident that could …
He's a Peronista...talks out of three sides of his mouth.
Boanerges Boanerges
This is carefully calculated PR campaign put forth right before so-called "pride month" so that an average (naive and uninformed) Catholic can say "…More
This is carefully calculated PR campaign put forth right before so-called "pride month" so that an average (naive and uninformed) Catholic can say "finally someone with guts to say what's happening" when in reality no Pope would use such a crude language especially when talking about Holy Mother Church. Informed remnant knows that these words do not mean that Bergoglio suddenly defends Church from sodomy (after he spent a decade promoting sodomy and all other mortal sins) but that he is actually trying to build into Catholic subconsciousness expectation that every other newly ordained priest is "a faggot because Pope said so". That way Bergoglio and his friends can say "you see, the old Church is no good" and make way for their Masonic new religion and one world government.
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Francis told the Italian bishops to avoid admitting gay seminarians because there is already too much “faggotry” in the Church. Thoughts?

Pope Uses the “F word”: Tells Italian Bishops Not to Admit Gay Seminarians, because “there’s already …

Pope Uses the “F word”: Tells Italian Bishops Not to Admit Gay Seminarians, because “there’s already …
The wise man listens to nothing that Francis says. Look at what he does.
All Saints
Say one thing. Do another. Those who knew him in their Argentinian seminary days remember only that about him.
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Does anybody understand that sentence?
Bruceph Mildur
Yes. And our reply ought to be (as Long John Baldry was wont to say): "Don't feed me no TV dinners when you know I'm used to steak." <Long John Baldry …More
Yes. And our reply ought to be (as Long John Baldry was wont to say): "Don't feed me no TV dinners when you know I'm used to steak." <Long John Baldry - "Don't Try To Lay No Boogie-Woogie On The King of Rock & Roll" - YouTube> Spiritual attitudes is about a mechanisation of the [your] mind. Ecclesial processes are about control of that mechanised mind. Very simple.
My professional translator gives the following output: "We are not interested in the Catholic Faith".More
My professional translator gives the following output:
"We are not interested in the Catholic Faith".
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Who will succeed Pope Francis?

Who will hold the keys of St Peter next? The ups and downs of expertise - Catholic Herald

While American journalist David von Drehle has enjoyed a highly distinguished career, including stints with both the …
Sean Johnson
Another new world order heretic, obviously (since none will reject Satan’s second Vatican council).
A Sacred Heart of Jesus billboard has been erected by Catholics in Wasau, Wisconsin, to mark the month of June.
Credo .
Prayer to Christ The King. O CHRIST JESUS, I acknowledge Thee King of the universe. All that has been created has been made for Thee. Exercise over me …More
Prayer to Christ The King.
O CHRIST JESUS, I acknowledge Thee King of the universe. All that has been created has been made for Thee. Exercise over me all Thy sovereign rights.
I renew the promises of my Baptism, I renounce satan and all his works, and all his pomps, and I promise to live a good Christian life and do all in my power to procure the triumph of the rights of God and Thy Church.
Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer Thee my poor efforts in order to obtain that all hearts may acknowledge Thy Sacred Royalty, and that thus the Kingdom of Thy peace may be established throughout the universe. Amen. May the Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament be praised, adored and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time! Amen. Catholic Prayers. Tan Books & Publishing page 51. 🙏🙏🙏
Billy F shares this

Bishop of Nottingham prohibits schools in his diocese from celebrating Gay Pride Month

The celebration of the so-called homosexual "Pride Month" has been prohibited in all Catholic schools in the English diocese of Nottingham (United Kingdom) under new guidelines that also reject the …More
The celebration of the so-called homosexual "Pride Month" has been prohibited in all Catholic schools in the English diocese of Nottingham (United Kingdom) under new guidelines that also reject the promotion of gender ideology.
The diocese asks teachers not to celebrate homosexuality in June, the month in which the Church traditionally honors the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because "we cannot celebrate lifestyles that are incompatible with the teaching of the Church".
"In short, it is not appropriate for our schools to celebrate Pride because we cannot support the entire agenda," says a new 40-page document titled "Precious in My Sight . "
«Approving only part of it could be considered dishonest and could lead to confusion. We must, instead, seek to articulate those values and principles with which we can agree, and affirm Catholic teaching in a different, distinct and pastorally positive way.
The guidelines also prohibit children who want to change gender from insisting on using their …More
Bishop of Nottingham, he's taken one very brave stand. Let's support anyone who dares to defy the work of the evil one! Pray for the good Bishop.