chris griffin
chris griffin

The desecration of the Catholic Church

Abortion is approved by 56% of Catholics. The real Presence of the Eucharist is rejected by 35% of Catholics. The priesthood, Bishops and Cardinals are filled with homosexuals and sexual abusers and …More
Abortion is approved by 56% of Catholics.
The real Presence of the Eucharist is rejected by 35% of Catholics.
The priesthood, Bishops and Cardinals are filled with homosexuals and sexual abusers and the attendant lawsuits.
The Magisterium refuses to enforce Catholic canon law and Church sanctity regarding heretics.
....and the DESOLATION of the Catholic Church.More
....and the DESOLATION of the Catholic Church.
Horrific…56% of Catholics are pro-abortionMore
Horrific…56% of Catholics are pro-abortion

Like Americans overall, Catholics vary in their abortion views, with regular Mass attenders most …

The Catholic Church in the United States has long been one of the foremost opponents of legal abortion …
Why the pew has never surveyed me and I’m a practicing Catholic against abortion… what Catholics are these in the survey ???? 😪😪😪
John A Cassani
This is definitive proof of the absolute failure of the Church in the United States in our time.
4 more comments
chris griffin

This article in the CCC about conscience is greatly mistaken

CCC 1800 which mistakenly says “A human being must always obey the certain judgment of his conscience.” This is a declarative, absolutist statement of the primacy of conscience using the terms “must …More
CCC 1800 which mistakenly says “A human being must always obey the certain judgment of his conscience.” This is a declarative, absolutist statement of the primacy of conscience using the terms “must” and “always” indicating no matter what. CCC1800 and 1790 are not Catholic teaching. They are in grievous error evidenced by the fact that they have no footnotes, no references, no documentation whatsoever. They are not found in any Magisterial document whatsoever. Following is the real Catholic teaching from two Papal Encyclicals and the Council of Trent that decisively condemn following conscience into intrinsic evil i.e. abortion/murder etc.
“The negative precepts of the natural law are universally valid. They oblige each and every individual, always and in every circumstance. It is a matter of prohibitions which forbid a given action semper et pro semper, without exception, because the choice of this kind of behaviour is in no case compatible with the goodness of the will of the acting …More
Denis Efimov
"A false conscience which is mistaken in things which are intrinsically evil commands something which is contrary to the law of God. Nevertheless, it …More
"A false conscience which is mistaken in things which are intrinsically evil commands something which is contrary to the law of God. Nevertheless, it says that what it commands is the law of God. ... one who follows such a conscience and acts according to it acts against the law of God and sins mortally. For there was sin in the error itself, since it happened because of ignorance of that which one should have known" (St. Thomas Aquinas, De Veritate, 17, 4, 3).
"sometimes the error of conscience does not have the power of loosing or of excusing, namely, when the error itself is a sin, such as when it proceeds out of ignorance of that which someone can know or is held to know, just as if he were to believe that simple fornication is a venial sin. And then, although he would believe himself to sin venially, nevertheless he would not sin venially, but mortally" (St. Thomas Aquinas, Quodlibet, 8, 6, 5).
Seals & Crofts - the soft-rock duo recorded pro-life song called “Unborn Baby”. Listen to the song at this website or on the internet. Lyrics… Oh little baby, you'll never cry, nor will you hear a …More
Seals & Crofts - the soft-rock duo recorded pro-life song called “Unborn Baby”.
Listen to the song at this website or on the internet. Lyrics…
Oh little baby, you'll never cry, nor will you hear a sweet lullaby.
Oh unborn child, if you only knew just what your momma was plannin' to do.
You're still a-clingin' to the tree of life, but soon you'll be cut off before you get ripe.
Oh unborn child, beginning to grow inside your momma, but you'll never know.
Oh tiny bud, that grows in the womb, only to be crushed before you can bloom.
Mama stop! Turn around, go back, think it over. Now stop, turn around, go back, think it over. Stop, turn around, go back think it over. Oh no momma, just let it be. You'll never regret it, just wait and see. Think of all the great ones who gave everything That we might have life here, so please bear the pain. Mama stop! Turn around, go back, think it over. Now stop, turn around, go back, think it over. Stop, turn around, go back think it over.

Unborn Child by Seals & Crofts - Songfacts

On January 22, 1973, the US Supreme Court made a landmark decision in the case of Roe v. Wade that deemed a state law banning abortion was unconstitutional. …
I was 13 at the time that song was recorded. How is it possible that I NEVER heard it before? I always liked Summer Breeze and it's good to know that …More
I was 13 at the time that song was recorded. How is it possible that I NEVER heard it before? I always liked Summer Breeze and it's good to know that Seals & Croft had a pro life stance!
“A sizable majority of Catholics (61 percent) think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38 percent say it should be illegal in all or most cases."

The Catholic Thing

Last month, the Pew Research Center published a brief profile of American Catholics based on their most recent slate of survey data. There was nothing terribly surprising in the report …
The good majority of Catholics have never really been taught the faith. The bishops are to blame.
John A Cassani
I would bet that those who are Catholic regarding abortion are, roughly, the same cohort who believe in the Church’s true Eucharistic Doctrine.
2 more comments
Pope Francis exchanges gifts with a baby killer

“The soul is not a person, but the soul, joined to the body, is a person.” Pope Pius XII Munificentissimus Deus, 32

10 week gestation person with a soul
This is what happens when the pro-abortion “deathscorts” get mad at me for saving so many mothers and babies at the abortion clinic! They photoshopped me with a broccoli head and made money off of me …More
This is what happens when the pro-abortion “deathscorts” get mad at me for saving so many mothers and babies at the abortion clinic! They photoshopped me with a broccoli head and made money off of me. They donated hundreds of dollars to the clinic
Phyllis Crespo
Keep a copy of this listing for your scrapbook. You should be glad (for this opportunity to be humbled), and anyone who owns one of these will be reminded …More
Keep a copy of this listing for your scrapbook. You should be glad (for this opportunity to be humbled), and anyone who owns one of these will be reminded of the truth.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
I would not worry too much about it. The printing is so small that I cannot read it. I doubt they will sell what cannot be read.
3 more comments
Italian Actor Roberto Benigni to Join Pope Francis for World Children’s DayMore
Italian Actor Roberto Benigni to Join Pope Francis for World Children’s Day

Italian Actor Roberto Benigni to Join Pope Francis for World Children’s Day

Italian Actor Roberto Benigni to Join Pope Francis for World Children’s Day The Vatican is expecting children from more than …
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
Just the thought of Francis being around any children scares me. He cannot control his mouth, leading to a bad influence on today's youth. Parents who …More
Just the thought of Francis being around any children scares me. He cannot control his mouth, leading to a bad influence on today's youth. Parents who allow their children to be around the anti-Christ are just as evil as Francis. They do not care about the spiritual safety of their children.
chris griffin
I wish he cared about unborn children.
Mission Accomplished: The Rainbow Seamless Garment Is Suffocating the Church, as IntendedMore
Mission Accomplished: The Rainbow Seamless Garment Is Suffocating the Church, as Intended

Mission Accomplished: The Rainbow Seamless Garment Is Suffocating the Church, as Intended - The Stream

Equipping Christians to Think Clearly About the Political, Economic and Moral Issues of Our Day. …
David killed Goliath ,Jesus Church took over Roman empire How by standing up for one true God no matter the cost. Lamb of God not democracyMore
David killed Goliath ,Jesus Church took over Roman empire
How by standing up for one true God no matter the cost.
Lamb of God not democracy

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction" James 1:27

the visiting of the widows and the fatherless in their affliction is a manifestation of compassionate love; yet it is to be observed that elsewhere in the Holy Scriptures compassion is adduced as the …More
the visiting of the widows and the fatherless in their affliction is a manifestation of compassionate love; yet it is to be observed that elsewhere in the Holy Scriptures compassion is adduced as the most direct proof of love.
I do more than say in passing that ‘visiting’ means more than calling on - namely, looking after and caring for.
“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40).
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. Psalm 68:5
“Do not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless. If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry. My anger will be aroused, and I will kill you with the sword; your wives will become widows and your children fatherless. Exodus 22:22-24
All Saints
I was going to say…that many pro-life people have never seen what they fight against. I don’t know the circumstances surrounding this photo. But this …More
I was going to say…that many pro-life people have never seen what they fight against. I don’t know the circumstances surrounding this photo. But this tiny little baby deserved better than to be put in a plastic cup with a paper label.
All Saints
I am glad you posted this, Chris. Many pro-life people have never seen
Abortion is killing Canada’s future. Now there’s an app for it There’s even an app for it now. UBC Jonathon Van Maren Fri May 10, 2024 - 2:47 pm EDT Listen to this article 0:00 / 4:44 1X BeyondWordsMore
Abortion is killing Canada’s future. Now there’s an app for it
There’s even an app for it now.

Fri May 10, 2024 - 2:47 pm EDT
Listen to this article 0:00 / 4:44 1X BeyondWords (LifeSiteNews) — Canada desperately needs babies. It is less controversial to say that than it was just a few years ago, but progressive politicians still campaign on abortion and birth control (the NDP’s Jagmeet Singh is currently attempting to present himself as a feminist hero for insisting that the Canadian government pay for voluntary sterility) rather than championing pro-natal policies. It is simply true to say that based on their public statements – and antics – our leaders are simply more passionate about abortion than they are about boosting the birthrate. As Canadian media outlets are increasingly willing to admit, the baby shortage is going to impact every aspect of Canadian life in the years ahead. Nobody has mentioned it out loud yet, but Canadian euthanasia rates are going to …More

Abortion is killing Canada's future. Now there's an app for it - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Canada desperately needs babies. It is less controversial to say that than it was just a few years ago, but …

Abortion is not just murder, It is EXTREME MURDER

Abortion murders the most innocent, helpless, defenseless human beings in the world – unborn babies. Abortion is a mother killing her own son or daughter, her own flesh and blood, the one she should …More
Abortion murders the most innocent, helpless, defenseless human beings in the world – unborn babies. Abortion is a mother killing her own son or daughter, her own flesh and blood, the one she should love, protect, and nurture.
All four million unborn babies alive in the USA today can be murdered tomorrow, legally and unstoppably on the whim of their mother or for no reason at all.
Abortion is always elective, optional, voluntary premeditated murder. Every abortive mother makes 4, 5 or 6 deliberate decisions to kill her baby. She decides in her heart and mind to abort; calling the abortion facility for an appointment; driving to the abortion facility; signing the consent form for the abortion; getting undressed; laying on the table for the abortion.
98% of abortions are performed on healthy mothers of healthy babies.
Abortion is paid murder. Abortion is not free and she, or someone, is willing to pay an assassin hundreds of dollars to execute her son or daughter. This proves her willingness …More
All Saints
A most cruel torture comes before the murder is concluded. And remember that abortions are not “performed”…they are COMMITED.
Planned Parenthood’s Financial reports a horrific $100 million dollars in private contributions! In its 2022-23 annual report, Planned Parenthood reported nearly $2.1 billion in income[10] and over …More
Planned Parenthood’s Financial reports a horrific
$100 million dollars in private contributions!

In its 2022-23 annual report, Planned Parenthood reported nearly $2.1 billion in income[10] and over $2.5 billion in net assets[11] – an increase from the previous report.

Fact Sheet: Planned Parenthood’s 2022-23 Annual Report - Lozier Institute

Planned Parenthood’s service data lags behind the rest of the information in the report – the 2022-23 report contains information …
Fr. Ripperger ‘Virtue of Mortification” video repeats the error of St. Thomas Aquinas Fr. Ripperger at approx. 1:15:50… “There is the general principles of fraternal correction, which basically means …More
Fr. Ripperger ‘Virtue of Mortification” video
repeats the error of St. Thomas Aquinas

Fr. Ripperger at approx. 1:15:50…
“There is the general principles of fraternal correction, which basically means one of the primary principles is in saying something. Will the person who is doing something bad take the correction? If they won’t, you don’t say anything because St. Thomas says if you say something and it makes the situation worse, you become culpable for making it worse. You should be governed by a reasonable judgement of whether the person will take the correction.”
The Biblical and Catholic truth is thus…
“Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching”. 2 Timothy 4:2.
It is false to say we have to make a judgement about how we might be received. We should NOT make some judgement about what someone might think of us or may disagree.
The Catholic Encyclopedia puts it this way… the inculcation of Christ: "If thy …More

Fraternal Correction

sinful indulgence. This is clearly distinguishable from an official disciplining, whose mouthpiece is a judge or other like superior, whose object is the punishment of one found to …
When Our Berlin Wall Came Down: One Year After Overturning Roe v. Wade By JOHN ZMIRAK Published on June 22, 2023 John Zmirak I was at a conference last fall in Florence with other conservative thinkers …More
When Our Berlin Wall Came Down: One Year After Overturning Roe v. Wade
By JOHN ZMIRAK Published on June 22, 2023
John Zmirak
I was at a conference last fall in Florence with other conservative thinkers, having lunch with luminaries whom I couldn’t believe I’d been invited to join. One of the speakers sat down with us, and the topic turned to the aftermath of the end of Roe v. Wade. I talked about the need to promote state protections for unborn children as comprehensively as possible, and to make federal policy aggressively pro-life … in the event of an honest election at some point in America’s future.
A fellow who’d given a decent presentation on family policy spoke up. He aimed his remarks at me: “Listen, I have something to tell you on this subject. I’m quoting no less an authority than David French … .”
I have never cited Scripture as solemnly as this fellow did French. So of course, I couldn’t resist: “David French? Okay, I’ll try to keep a straight face, anyway. Continue.”
He …More

When Our Berlin Wall Came Down: One Year After Overturning Roe v. Wade - The Stream

I was at a conference last fall in Florence with other conservative thinkers, having lunch with luminaries whom I …

Pro-life Replies

Here’s how you can reply to the most common pro-choice arguments you encounter every day.

Bible verses not commonly quoted

As the Father loved me, I too have loved you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. John 15:9-17 …More
As the Father loved me, I too have loved you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. John 15:9-17
Comment: Jesus remains in the Fathers love because he keeps the Fathers commandments.
“If anyone worships the beast . . . he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever” Revelation 14:9–11.
Comment: Jesus, the Lamb himself, will be present at their eternal torment.
From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me,” says the Lord. “And they will go out and look on the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; the worms that eat them will not die, the fire that burns them will not be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind. Isaiah 66:23-24.
Those who seek my life will become food for hyenas Psalm 63:10. …More
Abortion pill reversal. What many women may not know is that, once they take the abortion pill, they can stop the abortion process through something called “abortion pill reversal.” Women who take the …More
Abortion pill reversal.
What many women may not know is that, once they take the abortion pill, they can stop the abortion process through something called “abortion pill reversal.” Women who take the abortion pill and who regret it can call a national toll-free help line, (877) 558-0333, and be connected with a healthcare professional who can put them in touch with a doctor who can work to reverse the abortion pill process. By taking the natural hormone progesterone, women have been able to save their babies in as many as 68 percent of cases.
If you are interested in obtaining brochures for Abortion Pill Reversal, you can contact the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation at Home - PA Prolife Federation.

When the Corner Pharmacy Becomes an Abortion Center

In an announcement that sent shockwaves through the pro-life movement nationwide, the pharmacy chains CVS and Walgreens announced that the dangerous …
Denis Efimov
I didn't know such remedies existed. How long after taking the abortion pill is this antidote effective? I mean, how much time does a woman have to take …More
I didn't know such remedies existed. How long after taking the abortion pill is this antidote effective? I mean, how much time does a woman have to take this remedy?
Support for legal abortion is widespread in many countries, especially in EuropeMore
Support for legal abortion is widespread in many countries,
especially in Europe

Support for legal abortion is widespread in many countries, especially in Europe

Majorities in most of the 24 nations surveyed by Pew Research Center this spring say abortion should be legal in all or …
chris griffin
The survey also shows that most Catholics are pro-abortion, 60-39.
All Saints
Maybe if they actually saw one. And let’s see those survey questions. Then let me form the questions for that survey.