BREAKING: Porn Author & Prefect of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, His Iniquitous, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, in yet another interview (the 4th one now?) quadruples down in his …More
BREAKING: Porn Author & Prefect of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, His Iniquitous, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, in yet another interview (the 4th one now?) quadruples down in his defense of the Vatican’s heretical and blasphemous “blessing” for sodomite couplings. Clearly, His Iniquitous isn’t backing down, but is sailing full steam ahead with his insistence on the acceptance and implementation of his sacrilegious Declaration that seeks to grant Church approval of sodomy and those who commit it.

Il cardinale Fernández: “Benedire le coppie gay non è blasfemo, la tenerezza di Gesù Cristo è per …

Il Prefetto della Fede attaccato dai tradizionalisti per le aperture al mondo Lgbtq+: «Sono atti …
Ivan Tomas
Sons of perdition.

WARNING: The Vatican’s Next Tactic to Win the Sodomy War and Remake the Church

LISTEN TO ME: Pope Francis knows that what he and his apostate henchmen have done and are doing in their relentless effort to achieve the total and complete revocation and repudiation of the Church’s …More
LISTEN TO ME: Pope Francis knows that what he and his apostate henchmen have done and are doing in their relentless effort to achieve the total and complete revocation and repudiation of the Church’s perennial Doctrine and Magisterium, as they labor to obliterate the pontifical and ecclesial legacies of both Pope Saint John Paul the Great and Pope Benedict XVI, stands a high degree of chance for it to happen to his own debased legacy; meaning, that the next Holy Father (or even the next succession of Holy Fathers) will, at the very least, suppress or abrogate the more radical of his Pontifical acts, and moderate or excise the most egregious aspects of his revisions to the Church’s Magisterium. And thus, he surely knows that the only way to stop such a thing from happening is to “stack the deck” for the next Papal Conclave in favor of a candidate of his own choosing, or at least, one made in his own image and cut from the same cloth as he, who is willing to carry on his mandate and …More
Credo .
First question should be, "What am I doing"?More
First question should be, "What am I doing"?
Opera 369
Great read! And just as a rhetorical question: what is Vigano', Burke, Schneider, Strickland, Matt, Westin, all the Fraternities and Societies doing? …More
Great read! And just as a rhetorical question: what is Vigano', Burke, Schneider, Strickland, Matt, Westin, all the Fraternities and Societies doing? Talk, talk, talk, promote books, promote papers and videos, lay low and go on with the heads in the sand, as long as they can continue doing what they are doing....However, they are doing absolutely nothing to 'investigate the conclave of 2013, when even Vigano' wrote/said that according to a Cardinal that was present, "there were significant irregularities in the votes..." but Vigano' has done nothing about it... he just continues to call Bergoglio names, but never utter the words: "he is not a pope". Something fishy.. is truly stinky!
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