Everyday for Life Canada

Everyday For Life Canada

Jun A petition addressed to the Kansas City Chief Management to get Harrison Butker the kicker fired, shows what is morally wrong with America today. Butker recently gave a …
chris griffin
Such a outstanding, brave Catholic!
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Canadian parents set to keep kids home from school for beginning of LGBT 'Pride Month' - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Canadian parents are set to keep their children home from school to protest the beginning …
Father Karl A Claver
Good is good even if no one is going it, and evil is evil even if everyone is doing it.
English Catholic
What a good idea. They can't prosecute all the parents, if they all stick together. But sadly, some, if not many, will support the LGBT agenda. The …More
What a good idea. They can't prosecute all the parents, if they all stick together. But sadly, some, if not many, will support the LGBT agenda. The parents of today's schoolchildren are part of the brainwashed generations themselves.
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Woking Canadian history and getting it all wrong

Toronto Metropolitan University The name change was one of the 22 recommendations made by the university's Standing Strong (Mash Koh Wee Kah Pooh Win) …

Tennessee governor signs law protecting parents' rights in education, moral upbringing, healthcare -…

NASHVILLE, Tennessee (LifeSiteNews) — Tennessee Republican Gov. Bill Lee signed into law on Tuesday the …

New Brunswick premier bans 'sex-ed' group from schools after presentation on porn, immoral sex acts …

(LifeSiteNews) — Once again, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs is showing Canadian politicians how …

Pride month: the sexual braiwashing of school children has already begun

Principal Anthony Pauk and teachers at St. Denis Catholic School in Toronto aren't waiting for the month of June to begin brainwashing …
All Saints
Stop using their words and ecpressions It is JUNE. Stop promoting their nonsense by using their evil terminology.
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Pray the novena that St. Padre Pio recited for those who requested his prayers

Novenato the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It's the prayer that Padre Pio (Italian for 'Father Pius') of Pietrelcina recited for …
Credo .
Pray, Hope, and don't worry! ~ St. Padre Pio Ora pro nobis. 😍

Parents exempt your children from Ontario's 2019 explicit sex-curriculum

As we begin the month of June, it's a good time for parents to inform or remind the principal and teacher of their children that …

New Research Confirms Having Married Parents Helps Kids Get Ahead

Highlights Print Post The Social Genome Model...corroborates that family structure is one significant reason children born [to unmarried …
Tony Smith
We need to state the obvious.
It's an unbreakable law of God that children desire a Mother and Father. Nothing that the forces of evil can do or say can change that.
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DEI INC. EXPOSED: Liberals spent $30 million enriching diversity consultants

Canadian taxpayers have been billed over $30 million to enrich diversity, equity and inclusion consultants across all federal …
Credo .
🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮
Everyday for Life Canada
The DIE, diversity, inclusion and equity, cult policy must be repealed everywhere.

A reflection for Memorial Day in America

The United States commemorates Memorial Day today May 27th. Most Americans will take a moment to remember and honour the many service men and women who made the …

"Behind the Flag"

My anonymous Twitter troll has seemingly finally moved onto bigger and better things (knock on wood), but in the past, (presumably) he would repeatedly demand I educate myself on the …

A sober reflection as we get closer to vacation time

Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and …

Toronto Elementary Catholic Teachers' union is out of touch with the real needs of children

We post today the latest message sent to all Toronto Catholic District School Board trustees and administrators …
BP. Leo, where are you? We need your courageous witness of the Catholic faith in which you vowed to defend when you became a Bishop and pastor. Doing …More
BP. Leo, where are you? We need your courageous witness of the Catholic faith in which you vowed to defend when you became a Bishop and pastor. Doing nothing in the face of this great evil alphabet ideology being taught in the schools is indeed an act of cowardice if you allow the status quo to prevail.
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What is Good Parenting, Anyway?

The funny thing is, I’m not sure I did anything at all to encourage this, besides visiting the pool (or the lake when visiting the in-laws) daily during the Spring, Summer …

UK plans to end gender ideology in schools, set age-based rules

CNA Staff, May 21, 2024 / 15:55 pm The United Kingdom’s Department of Education intends to prohibit the promotion of gender ideology within …
Let us earnestly, fervently and desperately pray that such sanity comes again to the shores of America. May it please God to have it so.
Everyday for Life Canada
It’s time for Canada to do the same. Let’s stop the dangerous lie of telling children they are born in the wrong body. It’s time to end the madness …More
It’s time for Canada to do the same. Let’s stop the dangerous lie of telling children they are born in the wrong body. It’s time to end the madness with the fake six-coloured rainbow flags in public schools.

University of Toronto is getting a taste of its own woke, toxic medicine

The same kind of occupation is taking place in other universities across Canada. Their demand is for universities to stop investing …

Trudeau Liberals spent over $30 million to push LGBT ideology in federal departments: report - LifeSite

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — Canadians taxpayers have footed the bill for $30 million in federal …
And how much are Canadians going to have to pay in lawsuits, as these people realize they've been so wronged, and for surgeries to try to repair damage …More
And how much are Canadians going to have to pay in lawsuits, as these people realize they've been so wronged, and for surgeries to try to repair damage to their reproductive organs, and on going medication for the depressions and feeling of not fitting in?
Margaret LSD journey back in her younger years is bearing fruit. The hand that rocks the cradle
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The Tower of Babel and "disordered Babel"

. The Lord loves to reveal himself in fire. Amid rushing wind and fire, he spoke to Moses from the flaming bush. On the day of Pentecost, fifty days after Passover …

Tucker Carlson: Parts of the Bible have become ILLEGAL

Tucker Carlson: Parts of the Bible have become ILLEGAL Most Viral Moments See More Have conservatives in the House of Representatives gone too far …
Look up his father Dick very connected to intelligent community Putin new of Tucker application to the CIA Comes from extreme wealth via mother and …More
Look up his father Dick very connected to intelligent community
Putin new of Tucker application to the CIA
Comes from extreme wealth via mother and Mother inlaw