Jeffrey Ade
Pray the Rosary, Our Lady asked us too! Join the Living Rosary! Combine your prayers and prepare for battle!
Mese Mariano STORIA DEL SS. ROSARIO E VITA DEL BEATO ALANO DELLA RUPE Sec.. XIV e XV: La decadenza del Rosario e della sua Confraternita e l'avvento del Beato Alano della Rupe op. (p.1°) "Verso la fine …More
Mese Mariano
Sec.. XIV e XV: La decadenza del Rosario e della sua Confraternita e l'avvento del Beato Alano della Rupe op. (p.1°)

"Verso la fine del 1300 si assistette a uno sfiorire delle Confraternite del Rosario e alla recita del Rosario stesso. P. Raimondo Spiazzi O.P. ne offre un’eccellente descrizione: “Ma per la nostra fragilità umana, col passar del tempo la devozione si intiepidì, a tal punto da cadere quasi nel dimenticatoio. Ma la Vergine vegliava e cercò nuovamente di riaccenderla nei cuori dei popoli.
E come ebbe nel Patriarca S. Domenico l'istitutore, così volle che un domenicano tornasse a predicare la benedetta formula di orazione. Questo domenicano fu il Beato Alano, maestro dell'Ordine”.
Alano della Rupe (Alanus de Rupe, Alain de la Roche, Alain Van der Rutze, o in fiammingo Alain Van der Clip), nacque nel 1428 circa, a Plöuer sur Rance, in Bretagna.
Egli apparteneva al nobile Casato De la Roche, il cui Castello …More
Tina 13
Please listen dear Catholic Friends! We need to know this information! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

Protect Yourself From EMF Radio, Microwave, Gamma Radiation & Chemical Poisoning

6. Restore Cellular Energy, and 'Prevent' Cell Membrane Damage. To purchase a bottle of Master Peace with Nano Zeolite Z …
Jeffrey Ade shares from HP Y GC
Wonderful sermon! Come Holy Ghost!
Sermon - Holy Ghost, Soul of the Mystical Body - H.E. Fellay - 5/19/24 St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary Society of Saint Pius X Seminary Website: Homepage | St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary Seminary Liturgy …More
Sermon - Holy Ghost, Soul of the Mystical Body - H.E. Fellay - 5/19/24
St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary
Society of Saint Pius X
Seminary Website: Homepage | St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary
Seminary Liturgy information: Livestreaming of the Holy Liturgy
Seminary Bookstore: Store — STAS ORDERS
Free miraculous Medals: medals — STAS ORDERS
If you would like to donate to the Seminary, click here: Donations The Roman missal (Latin / English) for following the liturgies is available from divinum officium:
Jeffrey Ade shares from Mary 17
Very important talk by the Carmelites of the Holy Face!
Holy Face Devotion for our time - Carmelites of the Holy Face To purchase this booklet and other items listed in this video and on the Newsletter…More
Holy Face Devotion for our time - Carmelites of the Holy Face
To purchase this booklet and other items listed in this video and on the Newsletter
Send an email to the sisters with a list of items you wish to purchase. They will let you know the total plus postage and the ways you can pay. God bless you.
CONTACT: Carmelites of the Holy Face of Jesus - O.Carm
Great talk with David Dionisi!
A call to find Sister Agnes Sasagawa | FC24 Dallas, TX Please help us spread the saving Message of Our Lady of Fatima. Donate to Our Lady’s Apostolate Today! » Donations | The Fatima CenterMore
A call to find Sister Agnes Sasagawa | FC24 Dallas, TX
Please help us spread the saving Message of Our Lady of Fatima. Donate to Our Lady’s Apostolate Today! » Donations | The Fatima Center
Important reminder from David Dionisi!
Our Lady's Message at Fatima and Akita by David Dionisi | FC24 Dallas, TX On February 9-11, 2024, The Fatima Center hosted a conference in Dallas, Texas focusing on the urgency of Our Lady's words "…More
Our Lady's Message at Fatima and Akita by David Dionisi | FC24 Dallas, TX
On February 9-11, 2024, The Fatima Center hosted a conference in Dallas, Texas focusing on the urgency of Our Lady's words "The Moment Has Come..." Find more videos from this conference:
The Message of Fatima is the ONLY solution to the grave crises facing the Church and the world today. LEARN MORE about Our Lady's Message: » The Fatima Center | Promoting the Full Message of Fatima
Please help us spread the saving Message of Our Lady of Fatima.
Donate to Our Lady’s Apostolate Today! » Donations | The Fatima Center
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Jeffrey Ade
@Credo . I hope so! God bless you!
Credo .
Stay with Fatima!
Jeffrey Ade shares from Jeffrey Ade
Good Friday to all Gloria.TV friends!
Christ is King here! The altar of Repose at Immaculate Conception Church!
Sally Dorman
Lisi Sterndorfer
Blessed Triduum!
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A very edifying and mature video by faithful Catholics!
ADVIERTEN EXORCISTAS Estas son las 2 razones por las cuales se DISPARÓ la actividad demoniaca
Jeffrey Ade shares from Jeffrey Ade
Find this article on this site and read it. This site has excellent articles which will edify and enlighten you! Thank you! God bless you!

Once Again the Sacred Heart Speaks to the Church

The Consecration of Russia When our Lady visited the shepherd children of the Serra at the Cova da Iria near Fatima, Portugal (July 13, 1917), She told …
I really wouldn't waste my time listening to this it is full of anti Catholic propaganda!
How did Israel Become a Country? | Animated History Go to Ground News App to stay fully informed. Subscribe for less than $1 a month or get 40% off unlimited access to the Vantage plan this month only …More
How did Israel Become a Country? | Animated History
Go to Ground News App to stay fully informed. Subscribe for less than $1 a month or get 40% off unlimited access to the Vantage plan this month only Sign up for Armchair History TV today! Armchair History TV
Thanks for the heads up, Jeffrey Ade. Also right away, it looked like another Zionist propaganda piece.
Please! My brothers and Sisters in Christ! Listen to this short sermon! My Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us, and save us! May your Christmas be holy and new year even more so!
God's Signs in the Nativity Watch the FULL episode: Was Jesus Born in a Cave or Stable? | Ask Father with Fr. Michael The Message of Fatima is the ONLY solution to the grave crises facing the Church …More
God's Signs in the Nativity
Watch the FULL episode: Was Jesus Born in a Cave or Stable? | Ask Father with Fr. Michael
The Message of Fatima is the ONLY solution to the grave crises facing the Church and the world today. LEARN MORE about Our Lady's Message: » The Fatima Center | Promoting the Full Message of Fatima
Please help us spread the saving Message of Our Lady of Fatima.
Donate to Our Lady’s Apostolate Today! » Donations | The Fatima Center
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Contact Us:
» PHONE: 1-800-263-8160 » EMAIL: Follow Us: » FACEBOOK: » INSTAGRAM: » TWITTER: » SPIRITUSTV: The Fatima Center | SpiritusTV » RUMBLE: The Fatima Center » PODCAST: Podcast | The Fatima Center The Fatima Center’s mission is to ensure that the entire Message of Fatima is fully and widely known, accurately …More
There are liberal trolls on Catholic sites. They have taken over many Catholic sites. We have to report them.
Jeffrey Ade
@Marysrose Did you see how the other poster blocked our comments?
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Jeffrey Ade shares from Jeffrey Ade
Sharing is caring! Knowing the truth can make your pray life more vital!mn Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

The Perestroika Deception: Behind the Mask – part I

Putin is a proven fraud and communist, Russia and China in final preparations for military conquest of the West Part I | Part II By Andy Sloan July …
Ludovic 2Nîm
@English Catholic the book from Mark Riebling is here with the excerpt you're talking among one of these : Sur le jeu à long terme que joue la Russie …More
@English Catholic the book from Mark Riebling is here with the excerpt you're talking among one of these : Sur le jeu à long terme que joue la Russie post-so…
Sur le jeu à long terme que joue la Russie post-so…
Sur le jeu à long terme que joue la Russie post-so…
A tous les pro-Russes : comprenez donc que la Russ…
The full book : Wedge
There are also books from Christopher Story (interviews published here on Gloria and still normally on YT) : Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West … (On this one, there are the interviews of many that warned us that it was true and the videos of Christopher Story for those that are interested)
« Lenin's Satanic World Revolution » by Christopher Story
The European Union Collective Enemy of its members… In French : Complicité ou duperie l'Ostpolitik : le dialogue sert le Marxisme An important book that exist also in English and was also recommended by Mgr Lefebvre : « Moscou et le Vatican » par Ulisse Floridi There are also the books on GTV …More
Ludovic 2Nîm
@Jeffrey Ade I bough New lies for Old and it was not expensive. It tells a lot already but the internet versions can be printed and cost far less than …More
@Jeffrey Ade I bough New lies for Old and it was not expensive. It tells a lot already but the internet versions can be printed and cost far less than the original book. The only inconvienent is that it takes much more room.
6 more comments
Beautiful meditations from Sam Michael Nardone
DEVOTIONS AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS by Sam Michael Nardone. This PDF file is set-up in printer pages. Please share with your friends.More
DEVOTIONS AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS by Sam Michael Nardone. This PDF file is set-up in printer pages. Please share with your friends.
16 pages
Jeffrey Ade shares from Jeffrey Ade
The Mystical City of God is Our Blessed Mother!

To Read or Not to Read The Mystical City of God? by Marian T Horvat

TIA received from a reader the following question, which gives me the opportunity to address an important topic: Dear TIA, The Mystical …
Mary 17
Brilliant book
Jeffrey Ade shares from Novena - Oremus
Saint Joan of Arc, pray for us!
“Do you know whether or not you are in God's grace? Joan: If I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me.” —St. Joan of Arc, pray for us!
Jeffrey Ade shares from Jeffrey Ade
St. Raphael ! An awesome story!

Mardi 24 octobre – Saint Raphaël, Archange - Saint Martin de Vertou, Diacre et Abbé - Saint Magloire …

saint Raphaël archange, dont la gloire et les bienfaits sont célébrés dans le Livre sacré de Tobie. …
Jeffrey Ade shares from Josef O.
Fantastic opinion on Palestine!
Botschaft von Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss an die Welt We have a message for this Nakba day, for this 75 years of occupation. We want the world to know that what is being perpetrated agaist the Palestinian …More
Botschaft von Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss an die Welt
We have a message for this Nakba day, for this 75 years of occupation. We want the world to know that what is being perpetrated agaist the Palestinian people, the oppression, the subjugation, the terrible cruelty is not in the name of our religion. Is not in the name of the Star of David. It is not in the name of the Jewish people around the word who are true to the Jewish religion. Because we are Jewish and because we are true to our religion, we are in total opposition to the existence of the Zionists state of Israel. I call it Zionist state of Israel because it is Zionist. It is not Jewish. Judaism in the Torah forbids Jews to have our own sovereignty, our own entity, since the destruction of the temples, and Jews, to be true to the Torah, never aspire or try to have our own state. We also are forbidden to kill or to steal. The whole concept ot taking this land away from the Palestinian people is totally antithetical and is contradictory …More
@Jeffrey Ade ... the point in the devilish plan that has to result in WW III. There must be severe argue between countries, govermnents that have to …More
@Jeffrey Ade ... the point in the devilish plan that has to result in WW III. There must be severe argue between countries, govermnents that have to result in launching nuclear rockets. They will be asking, where were those lousy injections from ? From USA.
@giveusthisday They can move forward only if we let them ! If people don't protest, don't scream - there is more and more bad effects in our bodies …More
@giveusthisday They can move forward only if we let them ! If people don't protest, don't scream - there is more and more bad effects in our bodies after those injections- they believe everything is ok and plan a step to the next point - obligatory injections.
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Jeffrey Ade shares from Tina 13
Jeffrey Ade shares from Caroline03
Edifying read on Our Lady of Fatima, and the Hundred year warning!

Two strange coincidences / further connections regarding the Fatima Apparitions that links them with both Islam and the events of the French Revolution.

From the Fatima website.... (link below) "In August 1931, due to illness, Sister Lucy was staying with a friend at Rianjo, Spain, a small maritime city near Pontevedra, to rest and recover. It was in …More
From the Fatima website.... (link below)
"In August 1931, due to illness, Sister Lucy was staying with a friend at Rianjo, Spain, a small maritime city near Pontevedra, to rest and recover. It was in the Chapel here that the Messenger of Fatima was once again given a communication from Heaven. Our Lord complained to Sister Lucy of the tardiness of His ministers who delay the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as requested by Our Lady of Fatima on June 13, 1929 at Tuy, two years and two months earlier. Sister Lucy reported to her Bishop the important revelation:
"My Confessor ordered me to inform Your Excellency about what happened a little while ago, between our Good God and myself: As I was asking God for the conversion of Russia, Spain and Portugal, it seemed that His Divine Majesty said to me:
‘You console Me a great deal in asking Me for the conversion of those poor Nations: Request it also of My Mother, while saying to Her often: "Sweet Heart of Mary, be the …More
Ja, die Muttergottes von Fatima wird noch ihre große Macht in den kommenden Krisenzeiten zeigen. Mögen sich viele bekehren. Mögen wir stark werden.
Jeffrey Ade
@Eugenia-Sarto Yes you are right. We have a prayer for our country's leaders in some of the pre 1962 missals for our country. The love of Christ wouldn't …More
@Eugenia-Sarto Yes you are right. We have a prayer for our country's leaders in some of the pre 1962 missals for our country. The love of Christ wouldn't exclude any of these politicians to repentance and conversion. We shouldn't let our feelings keep us for praying for them! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
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Jeffrey Ade shares from jili22
Every one subscribe! Wouldn't be nice to have these beautiful songs in your heart when you are on your death bed? Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Gregorian Chants For The Mother Of Jesus | Sacred Choir In Honor Of Mary Gregorian Chants For The Mother Of Jesus | Sacred Choir In Honor Of Mary ✝️ Catholic Chants TV Subscribe to our channel: More
Gregorian Chants For The Mother Of Jesus | Sacred Choir In Honor Of Mary
Gregorian Chants For The Mother Of Jesus | Sacred Choir In Honor Of Mary
✝️ Catholic Chants TV
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➤ Music:
Voice: Schola Gregoriana Mediolanensis
Director: Giovanni Vianini
From the album "Umile ed alta più che creatura (Gregorian chant in Marian devotion)" Listen on all digital platforms: Umile ed alta piu che creatura (Gregorian chant in Marian devotion) ℗ 1998 La Gloria / Rusty Records Instagram: Youtube: LA GLORIA | sito web ufficiale ➤ Gregorian chants are a form of sacred music that originated in the medieval period and are still performed by Catholic monks today. They are characterized by their hauntingly beautiful melodies and sacred Latin texts, making them a powerful tool for prayer and meditation ➤ Image by: Midjourney AI ➤ Contact: All …More