
Australia: Bishops Approve an Aboriginal Eucharist

That error should be treated with leniency is the height of folly and wickedness.

Twenty Catholic Scholars Expose Francis’ Crimes

It really it that easy. No need for sophist theological games.

After Nude Video: Priest Removed

The diocese 'not believing he's committed any crime' is exactly the problem.

Expert Bergoglio Rants Again: These people "Are Foolish!"

This week's Catholic news cycle had a lot of laughs. First 'Fr Justin', now this farce from Bergoglio!

Italy: An Archbishop 'Forbids' Reception of Holy Communion

Everyone (even the baddie bishops!) should read the books of Machabees. These outrages won't last forever and they'll have Our Lord to contend with. Convert while ya can, fellas.

PiusX: Swiss Bishops Stay Away from Huonder's Funeral

It's probably all coordinated drama, for you the viewer.

Rigid Francis: "We Must Be Freed From Rigidity And Frustration"

Great point! Just sounds like good discipline needed to be successful to me!!😂

Rigid Francis: "We Must Be Freed From Rigidity And Frustration"

Freeing oneself from rigidity and frustration = stop sinning.
Have a blessed rest of your Holy Week, everyone!More
Freeing oneself from rigidity and frustration = stop sinning.

Have a blessed rest of your Holy Week, everyone!

Francis Has Given up Presiding at the Novus Ordo Eucharist

Can't be head of a Church that you're not part of.

Rotten: A German Bishop Says Abortion Is Workable "Compromise" (sic)

Yes, they never lament the fact that they themselves were not aborted. Nothing but narcissists.

USA: "Catholic" Relief Service Promotes Condoms, Contraception, Abortion for Africans

@Marysrose Can they not be pope (or bishop) according to the Rule of their order, or is this actually a Canon Law? No surprise that an online quick search I did isn't helpful...

USA: "Catholic" Relief Service Promotes Condoms, Contraception, Abortion for Africans

As a former NO DRE, I proudly threw out their rice bowls at every opportunity! They got ZERO support whenever I was working.😂

Funeral of the Big Whore: Responsible Now Claim that They Didn't Know Anything..

Someday, any place that had a Novus Ordo celebration will have to be re-consecrated. I hope I live to see it!!🥳

Todos-Todos-Todos-Church Treats Meritorious Priest like a Dog

Honestly, these moves just show the progressive's desparation at this point. Too late now, though. They should have tried harder to stamp out the Ancient Mass entirely right after Vatican II, but failed.

Todos Todos Todos! "Cruel" Bishop Bans Mass in Austin

"Cruelty is not the intention"? Please. Know your enemies.

"Generally Speaking, Cardinals Are Men of No Faith"

I just follow the old ones...Borromeo, Merry de Val, etc... Their writings are still around and the message hasnt changed one iota.

Cardinal Roche Is an Evasive Prelate

It's hard to see someone miss their calling..🥲

Argentina: Our Lady Is Not There, But She Can Be Seen

Maybe they should take the hint and put the statue back?

Carnival Novus Ordo in Germany: The Great Devil Was

I think it's to differentiate between the ancient Mass and the NO celebration...?