Empiezan las rebeldías: Unas monjas clarisas de Burgos se declaran en rebeldía y no reconocen al obispo ni al papa Francisco. Pero ese Pablo Rojas es algo aparteMore
Empiezan las rebeldías:
Unas monjas clarisas de Burgos se declaran en rebeldía y no reconocen al obispo ni al papa Francisco.
Pero ese Pablo Rojas es algo aparte

Unas monjas clarisas de Burgos se declaran en rebeldía y no reconocen al obispo ni al papa Francisco

Las monjas clarisas de Belorado , en una imagen de archivo. Infovaticana La comunidad religiosa de …

The Tragedy of Nagasaki's Christianity

Jeffrey Ade
@foward Thanks for posting this! We have access to "Atomic Bomb" Secrets by Michael Dionisi which tells the back story regarding the US intentional plan …More
@foward Thanks for posting this! We have access to "Atomic Bomb" Secrets by Michael Dionisi which tells the back story regarding the US intentional plan to destroy the Catholic communities! One thing I point out is that those Catholics would certainly have been prayed up! They knew it was only a question of time! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Father Karl A Claver
The tragedy begins with the everts that preceded Pearl Harbor. The USA prohibited Japan from using the Panama Canal (the Chinese now control it), and …More
The tragedy begins with the everts that preceded Pearl Harbor. The USA prohibited Japan from using the Panama Canal (the Chinese now control it), and we told England not to trade with Japan as well. We also knew that Pearl Habor was going to happen, and we prolonged the war years later after Japan had said they wanted peace weeks before the atomic blasts We also let Russia, who was an ally of Japan, declare war on Japan a short time before the atomic bombs were dropped (as a result, the Russians invaded Korea, there was the Korean War, and that country is divided). Half of Europe became communist, and the Church suffered greatly. The demise of the Church and western civilization are a result. One error in the article, the feast was the Assumption of Our Lady (August 15), and not Her Immaculate Conception (December 8th).
“I’m not blessing the bicycle: I’m separately blessing two wheels.”

Beautiful Dresden before its destruction at the end of WWII


Sermon for the 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, Jan. 21st, 2024 – Let all your things be done in charity

Sermon for the 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, Jan. 21st, 2024 – Let all your things be done in charity In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. My dearly beloved in Our Lord, …More
Sermon for the 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, Jan. 21st, 2024 – Let all your things be done in charity
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
My dearly beloved in Our Lord,
Today’s Mass inspires us with the highest motive for which we should live and act: charity.
“Let all your things be done in charity”, St Paul writes to the Corinthians (1Cor 16:14).
Moderns and modernists like talking about charity. They have no idea what it is, though.So not much comes from their talk except a lot of sentimentality. Bergoglio’s recent aberrations are founded on the naturalistic understand of charity and love, as anyone can easily guess. Sentimentalism wreaks the greatest havoc, naturally. It flourishes at the expense of rational conduct.
Catholics know better. But do they do better? That is the big question!
The practice of charity is extremely demanding, as today’s Epistle and Gospel show. The Gospel is taken from the first verses which follow Our Lord’s sermon on the mount …More

Sermon for the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, Jan. 14th, 2024 – O.L.’s first miracle

Sermon for the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, Jan. 14th, 2024 – O.L.’s first miracle In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. My dearly beloved in Our Lord, Today Holy Church …More
Sermon for the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, Jan. 14th, 2024 – O.L.’s first miracle
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
My dearly beloved in Our Lord,
Today Holy Church proposes to our contemplation the episode where Our Lord works his first public miracle at the beginning of his public life and ministry. He changed water into wine at a wedding in Cana.
The Son of God made man has led a hidden life for 30 years. By this he gives us the example of multiple virtues. In his public ministry, which will last for about three years, he continues to do so, but in a different manner and in different circumstances. Thus all walks of life can and must imitate Christ.
Today’s miracle where he changes water into excellent wine, marks the transition between these two periods of the Redeemer’s life. It is full of quintessential teachings for our Christian life and our quest of eternal beatitude.
“At that time, there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee: and the mother of Jesus …More
Hawking (atheist) in the Epstein island
Uni Versum
...and what if I told you that cardinal Bergoglio was also there in the 90s! That one tops it all!!
Genius! Please! His writings are fantasies. Without correspondence with the reality
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‘They Hate Us!’ The Muslim Persecution of Christians, November 2023

‘They Hate Us!’ The Muslim Persecution of Christians, November 2023

Gatestone Institute The following are among the abuses and murders inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of November …
"This is why I support our Elder brothers of the Old Testament in Israel with the fight against Hamas.' --- No Talmudic Jew recognizes the Old Testament …More
"This is why I support our Elder brothers of the Old Testament in Israel with the fight against Hamas.'
No Talmudic Jew recognizes the Old Testament as they reject the New one. Moreover, they follow first of all the impious, blasphemous Talmud not the Hebrew Bible (mostly - because there are many sects there e.g. pseudo-messianic antichrist Chabad Hanukkah guys of the Trump family follow satanic writings of S. Zalman - Tanya).
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Braun vs menorah, Polish Parliament
Good for you brother!
Denis Efimov
Who is this man? What is known about him besides his name?
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Help Academia Christiana

Menace de dissolution

Chers amis et bienfaiteurs Cela fait maintenant dix ans que nous avons créé Academia Christiana. Les jeunes qui sont passés par nos rangs sont nombreux à s’engager dans des …
Satanic idol at Iowa State Capitol BEHEADED by Christian veteran

Israeli boy featured in COVID vaccine campaign dies of heart attack at age 8

Everyday for Life Canada
The unnecessary experimental injection will turn out to be the greatest crime against humanity.

A very good point

Diane Montagna: “A fundamental question about the Synod: Repeatedly, Synod officials, including yourself, have talked about the Holy Spirit as the ‘protagonist’ of the Synod; over and over again we …More
Diane Montagna: “A fundamental question about the Synod: Repeatedly, Synod officials, including yourself, have talked about the Holy Spirit as the ‘protagonist’ of the Synod; over and over again we hear about the Holy Spirit. Traditionally — well not just traditionally — the Catholic Church discerns the presence of the Holy Spirit by determining if something is in accord with Divine Revelation, the unanimous consensus of the Fathers, and Apostolic Tradition. How is this assembly discerning whether something comes from the Holy Spirit or from another spirit?”
Paolo Ruffini: “I can respond by citing the Creed, which you know: “I believe in the Holy Spirit.” For the rest, it is the People of God on a journey that is meeting to pray and converse together. In history, as in prior history, moments happen when the People of God gather, pray, God with them and the Holy Spirit acts.”
Diane Montagna: But how do we know that it’s the Holy Spirit?
Christiane Murray (vice-director of the Holy See …More
Synod moment
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Heretic Radcliffe. Here's something else that will, faster than anything, bring Tucho Fernandez down and into obsecure retirement, and might even cause …More
Heretic Radcliffe.
Here's something else that will, faster than anything, bring Tucho Fernandez down and into obsecure retirement, and might even cause the end of heretic Pope Francis blasphemous reign:
"Clergy sexual abuse survivors on Monday unveiled a proposed new church law calling for the permanent removal of abusive priests and superiors who covered for them, as they stepped up their outrage over Pope Francis’ choice to head the Vatican office that investigates sex crimes."

NEW - Pope claims Europe does not face a "migration emergency" and urges leaders to "open the ports to people fleeing."

NEW - Pope claims Europe does not face a "migration emergency" and urges leaders to "open the ports to people fleeing." Pope Francis says Europe does not have migrant 'emergency'More
NEW - Pope claims Europe does not face a "migration emergency" and urges leaders to "open the ports to people fleeing."
Pope Francis says Europe does not have migrant 'emergency'
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He's delusional. And he just made a ton of new enemies! 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

“Christians Must Die”: Jihad in Austria

Caponnetto sobre Milei
Grazie. Sería posible para Ud. darnos algunas noticias sobre el dr. Caponnetto?
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Vincent Capuano
There are a couple Rabbis that support the libertarians and Milei. They are anti peronist. Of course, there are large numbers of Jewish businessmen who …More
There are a couple Rabbis that support the libertarians and Milei. They are anti peronist. Of course, there are large numbers of Jewish businessmen who have cozy relationships with the government and are against Milei.
I give the facts. This man says he is a Catholic?
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People in Pakistan begin attacking churches, following another Quran burning in Sweden. There is no direct link between what happens in Sweden and Pakistani Christians who attend local churches.More
People in Pakistan begin attacking churches, following another Quran burning in Sweden.
There is no direct link between what happens in Sweden and Pakistani Christians who attend local churches.
WARNING: DISTURBING FOOTAGE Naked Christian girls are being molested and led through for gang rape in the fields of the Indian state of Manipur. 🇮🇳 There have been clashes between Hindus and Christians …More
Naked Christian girls are being molested and led through for gang rape in the fields of the Indian state of Manipur.
🇮🇳 There have been clashes between Hindus and Christians there; the state has been disconnected from the internet for 2 months - evidence of atrocities committed against the Christian Kuki tribe is only now coming to light.
The women identified in the video were allegedly subsequently set on fire alive, and their village burnt out. Indian authorities allegedly demand the video be removed from all social networks - any religious leader is yet to address the atrocity.
Antonia Orosova shares this
Ľudia, kresťania si všade dnes pripomínajú mučeníčky a mučeníkov zo stredoveku a ajhľa ako zaobchádzali v Indii hinduisti s kresťankami pred pár …More
Ľudia, kresťania si všade dnes pripomínajú mučeníčky a mučeníkov zo stredoveku a ajhľa ako zaobchádzali v Indii hinduisti s kresťankami pred pár mesiacmi s všetci sú ticho a nikto ich zlé skutky neodsudzuje i taki sú ako ich ,,otcovia” zatvrdlého srdca k Bohu Otcu a chrbát miesto tváre mu ukazujú😥😡
Hnev je zlý radca,a slnko radosti nesmie zapadnúť nad našim hnevom, ale Pravda je len jedna, že živý je Boh a skrze Ježiša Krista Otcom sa nám stal a tento svet ani dnes nechce prijať a počuť Pravdu a miluje neprávosť😥😡
Boh Otec sa vysmievať nenechá a ani urážať svoje Sväté Meno skrze Krista s Kristom a v Kristovi zjavené i sám si svoje Meno oslavi a svoje deti ochráni🥰
Vyjdite z tých miest, kde vás nechcú prijať a oprášte si aj prach na topánkach, lebo ľahšie bolo Sodome a Gomore ako bude tomu mestu v deň odplaty❣️
We all worship the same God right? Ban the Novus Ordo and get ready for a Crusade!