Father Karl A Claver
Father Karl A Claver

Muslims in Germany cheer about the Islamist terrorist attack on critics of Islam in Mannheim

The Germans and other Europeans MUST read Trump's piece called THE SNAKE.
Father Karl A Claver

The root of the satanic gender ideology promoted by the apostate Bergoglio is Marxist

Look how disgustingly dressed the women are. and the horrible way they are presenting themselves. Decorum no longer seems important to these infidels. If they were really serious about their Catholic faith, they would have respect for all those whom they encounter.
Father Karl A Claver

Within 10 Days: Anti-Life Violence against Pro-Life Organisation

Paul VI did NOTHING to stop the paganization of Italy.
Father Karl A Claver

Polish Priest Participates in Public Ecumenical Ceremony to Bless Homosexual ‘Couples’

The satanic termites have penetrated the Catholic Church.
Father Karl A Claver

Spain: Socialist Regime Bans the Rosary Again

The liberals hated Franco. Since his death, Spain has fallen, and is now communist.
Father Karl A Claver

Trump Found Guilty of Running Against Democrats – The guilty verdict does not make Trump a felon; it …

Even though the lesser of two evils is still evil, I know Trump is no snake.
Father Karl A Claver

Germany: Presiding Bishop Attacks Francis Three Times, Wants 'Positive View' on Sexual Sins

Excommunicate this heretic NOW. He is leading souls to hell.
Father Karl A Claver

Forums: The Mystical Encounters Of John Paul II

Unfortunately, even though he seemed to have these encounters, JPII left the Church in a much worse condition than when he first became pope.
Father Karl A Claver

Canadian parents set to keep kids home from school for beginning of LGBT 'Pride Month' - LifeSite

Good is good even if no one is going it, and evil is evil even if everyone is doing it.
Father Karl A Claver

Former President Trump Holds Press Conference Amid Guilty Verdict

The way the Church hierarchy has treated Trump is a disgrace. As I said before, he is flawed, but Trump is a billion times better than Biden, and MOST of the bishops.
Father Karl A Claver

Like Americans overall, Catholics vary in their abortion views, with regular Mass attenders most …

The Catholic Church is to blame for this. Any Catholic who is pro abortion MUST be excommunicated. No questions asked!
Father Karl A Claver

Father James Martin says he knows ‘hundreds’ of homosexual priests: ‘They’ve been my mentors’ - …

The freemasons are out and they are running (ruining) the Church.
Father Karl A Claver

Trump and GOP Favored to Win White House, House, and Senate

He is not perfect, he is a flawed Protestant, BUT Trump is a billion times better than the heretic apostate Catholic Biden.
Father Karl A Claver

Who was more impactful?

Only John Paul I and Benedict XVI were responsible for little or no major damage to the Church.
Father Karl A Claver

WATCH: America's Muslim City - GBN documentary confronts zealous Imams as music is banned, animals …

Muslims are taking over America. Soon they will be a majority and Catholicism could be outlawed.
Father Karl A Claver

New Course Discusses Difficult Problems in Moral Theology - Catholic Stand

The only problem is that traditional moral theology was neither taught or enforced.
Father Karl A Claver

Disabled Canadian man says he has been offered euthanasia ‘multiple times’ while in the hospital

Canada once had Catholicism as its major religion. Thanks to V2, it is now the most pagan nation in all the Americas.
Father Karl A Claver

Australian LGBT activist seems to promote bestiality to high schoolers. Will Canada follow? - LifeSite

Because the Church has been silent in these sins from the dens of Asmodeus, these demonic iniquities have become more common and pronounced.
Father Karl A Claver

Rome Today Isn’t What It Was

The termites increased and did much unseen damage to the Church under JPII, and only after his death did the destruction become apparent. JPII talked with both sides of his mouth; he gave the liberals more power, and he gave chicken bones to conservatives and traditionalists.