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Plan B Option

Animal Husbandry at it's finest. Note how he feeds the dog Bull Castration Day...ouch 😳More
Animal Husbandry at it's finest.
Note how he feeds the dog
Bull Castration Day...ouch 😳
sp2 . .
The Lavendar mofia tried to visit me last night. There were several Archangels defending me. Thank you.
Beet juice powder The Potential Benefits of Red Beetroot Supplementation in Health and Disease A white paper detailing benefits Based on the available data, beetroot appears to be a powerful dietary …More
Beet juice powder
The Potential Benefits of Red Beetroot Supplementation in Health and Disease
A white paper detailing benefits
Based on the available data, beetroot appears to be a powerful dietary source of health promoting agents that holds potential as therapeutic treatment for several pathological disorders. The powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and vascular-protective effects offered by beetroot and its constituents have been clearly demonstrated by several in vitro and in vivo human and animal studies; hence its increasing popularity as a nutritional approach to help manage cardiovascular disease and cancer. In the human studies to date, beetroot supplementation has been reported to reduce blood pressure, attenuate inflammation, avert oxidative stress, preserve endothelial function and restore cerebrovascular haemodynamics. Furthermore, although beyond the scope of this review, several studies have now established beetroot supplementation as an effective means of enhancing …More

The Potential Benefits of Red Beetroot Supplementation in Health and Disease

Learn more: PMC Disclaimer| PMC Copyright Notice 25875121 The Potential Benefits of Red Beetroot Supplementation in Health …
English Catholic
Yep, you can get it in supermarkets in the UK: It's called James White - Beet It. Liquid Beetroot Juice. Or online: but I think these are bulk buy prices …More
Yep, you can get it in supermarkets in the UK: It's called James White - Beet It. Liquid Beetroot Juice. Or online: but I think these are bulk buy prices. It's much cheaper in the supermarket: jameswhite.co.uk/collections/beet-it
Simple - they just rot and fall off
sp2 . .
Well, I suppose if McCarrick has already passed, I can at least dig him up and have a Cadaver Synod and do it then, At least he won't be able to harm …More
Well, I suppose if McCarrick has already passed, I can at least dig him up and have a Cadaver Synod and do it then, At least he won't be able to harm anyone in the after-life.
This is an extremely painful procedure; it takes a long time for the pain to go away; 6weeks at least for those testes to fall off. Very painful!

An Open Letter to all Clergy Across the Board

An Open Letter to all Clergy Across the Board In Order to stop and put an end to the Clergy Sexual Abuse I will do the following: If found guilty I will have you sign a legal contract giving you the …More
An Open Letter to all Clergy Across the Board
In Order to stop and put an end to the Clergy Sexual Abuse
I will do the following:
If found guilty I will have you sign a legal contract giving you the selection of:
A) Immediate defrocking and being fed to the wolves or
B) Remain as a low ranking priest, with me personally cutting off your balls. ( castration)
Take your pick. It’s about time for you bastards to learn: NO MEANS NO
One more comment
HEY COPTICS, are you ready for Idol Worship?
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PaPa Franceeezco and his HERETICAL ORGANIZATION!