Louis IX
Louis IX

Germany: Presiding Bishop Attacks Francis Three Times, Wants 'Positive View' on Sexual Sins

Batzing has clearly founded his own religion. His paychecks should stop arriving.
Louis IX

BREAKING: Muslim stabs multiple bystanders and campaigners for German anti-Islamist group BPE in …

People know this is a good possibility these days. Why not carry some method of self defense?
Louis IX

Don’t celebrate yet: The WHO could still sneak the pandemic treaty through a back door

States in the US are already passing laws that will exempt them from any bogus w.h.o. treaty signed by the turnip biden.
Louis IX

Jesuit Father James Martin Claims Church Would Be ‘Immeasurably Poorer’ Without Gay Priests

The number of men who leave or stay away from the Church because of so many gays in it might be immeasurable.
Louis IX

Melinda Gates Pledges $1 Billion for Far-Left Groups, Pro-Abortion Efforts - Slay News

These people are not what they are portrayed to be. They’ve been playing a role their entire lives. Being the Gates is their job.
Louis IX

Stuck in a Box of Suicidal Madness - The Catholic Thing

What’s with the plus sign on the wall?
Louis IX

Mohammedans are taking over all the capital cities of Europe. I wonder why? And who is funding this …

Many saints foretold the Muhammaden’s conquest of Europe.
Louis IX

Has the Pope finally completely lost the plot? He cannot carry on governing the Church like this

Based on his faggotry comment, maybe he’s just hitting his stride? :)
Louis IX

Francis Doesn't Want Homosexual Priests: too Much "Gayness" in Church

I don’t understand this attitude. He is not attacking the Church he is finally admitting what many Catholics have known for decades, at least his words are, that there are a lot of SSA and feminine men in the priesthood. Better to recognize the problem, speak it frankly, so something can be done about it.
Louis IX

Why are there so many homosexual priests in the Church?

Why so many? Because they stopped weeding them out in seminary. (Not to mention the ones planted there by enemies of the Church in the early and mid 20th century.)
Louis IX

Wow Poland!! These fuckers are stealing everyone's countries

Are they still angry that the Poles beat the Bolsheviks at Warsaw?
Louis IX

Climate Change ‘Solutions’ Are Harming the Environment

Wind mill and solar farm initiatives have a lot of (un)intended consequences, one of them being, like modern architecture, demoralization of the masses through sheer ugliness and marring of once beautiful land and seascapes.
Louis IX

Milei at a rock concert: “I am the king, I am the lion, I eat the elites for breakfast”

Meek men and women rarely seek high office. The best one hopes for is someone who isn’t a psychopath.
Louis IX

Study: Young German Priests Reject German Synod

Only 75% oppose? If a priest supports women’s ordination something is seriously wrong.
Louis IX

Islamic call to prayer inside British Parliament in London

I suppose sung (Catholic) Vespers are now in play?
Louis IX

Pope Pummels Paxton on Illegal Immigration

Pope should mind his own business.