Elderly climate radicals try to smash the glass protecting the Magna Carta at the British Library.
That sheet of paper she is holding is far more polluting to make then oil refinery.
Patricia McKeever
@Defend Truth
What a pair of idiots. Talk about "no fool like an old fool". Unbelievable.
You'd think at their age they'd have learned about the climate scam; and certainly about behaving themselves!
English Catholic
@giveusthisday Sadly, the climate change industry targets and scaremongers easy victims:- the very young, the elderly, those with low IQ's, those vulnerable in other aspects . . . it's so wicked. Note those two ladies had a cameraman with them. They were being manipulated.
Bonnie Louise
Lesbians, no doubt. It is not enough to hate God, they must destroy.
Ivan Tomas
Give them just another booster. It will give them a bit more strenght. Taking just an aspirine don't really help as we see.
Modernist "pant-suit" ""NUNS"??? Eerily similar to those gals in the U.S. who took hammer & chisel to nuclear missile silos in the 80s.
English Catholic
@Orthocat They're Anglicans. One of them, wearing a collar, obviously a 'deaconess' or a 'priestess'. That last shot looked like the woman without a collar was giving the other one her meds. Where they escaped from, goodness only knows.
English Catholic
Poor deluded women.