Alex A
Alex A

As we close out this First Saturday weekend in June, let us remember that Our Lady has YET to be obeyed …

I cannot state whether Portugal has kept the dogma of faith or not, nor, I suspect, can any other Gloria reader./blogger. What I can state with certainty is that the rest of the Catholic world demonstrates little enthusiasm for Fatima and its heavenly messages. Such a situation has nothing to do with a liking or disliking of an architecture edifice. but more to do with the under mining of the original …More
I cannot state whether Portugal has kept the dogma of faith or not, nor, I suspect, can any other Gloria reader./blogger. What I can state with certainty is that the rest of the Catholic world demonstrates little enthusiasm for Fatima and its heavenly messages. Such a situation has nothing to do with a liking or disliking of an architecture edifice. but more to do with the under mining of the original messages of OBL by those purporting to be experts on the subject. May their souls rest in peace and with the knowledge of Eternal Truth!
Alex A

As we close out this First Saturday weekend in June, let us remember that Our Lady has YET to be obeyed …

Gruner not suspended? All together, O YES HE WAS!!!!
Alex A

Unfortunate Norms: Vatican Cannot Find Anything "Supernatural" Anymore

Interesting that Francis's decision to centralise the decision regarding alleged apparitions/supernatural events, is in fact a return to the Church's position before Vatican 2,.
Alex A

Unfortunate Norms: Vatican Cannot Find Anything "Supernatural" Anymore

As was the norm before Vatican 2
Alex A

Known as the “butcher of Khan Younis”, Sinwar murdered twelve Palestinian Arabs with his own hands …

The sooner Israel 'neutralises' Sin-War the better for all Palestinians as well as the Israeli's.
Alex A

I know this is long, I was there! What a blessing! If you look closely you will see my little and …

For some unknown reason we here in Melbourne, Australia, cannot enlarge pictures or able to view videos posted on Gloria TV. It is the only platform we experience such problems. Anyone able to advice/help?
Alex A

Receive Communion in the Hand with Reverence? | Ask Father with Fr. Michael Rodríguez | The Fatima …

Receive Our Blessed Lord on the tongue as was/is the traditional and most reverent way for the faithful. This also demonstrates humility!
Alex A

Bishop Williamson sermon for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, 12th May 2024

Sean, Your literacy is noted! A question of personal interest, devoid of any underlying motive other than the origin of names, Sean of course is Irish/Gaelic for John. Johnson on the other hand is an English or Scottish name. You yourself live in America, thus my interest is peeked as to where your family originated from in the UK/Ireland? Of course, it really none of my business, so if decide not …More
Sean, Your literacy is noted! A question of personal interest, devoid of any underlying motive other than the origin of names, Sean of course is Irish/Gaelic for John. Johnson on the other hand is an English or Scottish name. You yourself live in America, thus my interest is peeked as to where your family originated from in the UK/Ireland? Of course, it really none of my business, so if decide not to divulge such information, no problem!
Alex A

Bishop Williamson sermon for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, 12th May 2024

Sean: Perhaps, because you have no cause to quote anyone of distinction.
Alex A

Bishop Williamson sermon for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, 12th May 2024

@Sean Johnson If you truly don't understand, then I'm left to simply quote Martin Luther King: "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
Alex A

Bishop Williamson sermon for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, 12th May 2024

@Sean Johnson> That is you interpretation. To clarify, my reference to Williamson's Anti-Semitic position was the inappropriateness of uttering his position unwisely to the media thus creating 'scandal' for both the SSPX and the wider Church. Being outside of the Church is related to one being Sede vacantist. Denial of that being Williamson's position is contrary to his behavior. He was expelled …More
@Sean Johnson> That is you interpretation. To clarify, my reference to Williamson's Anti-Semitic position was the inappropriateness of uttering his position unwisely to the media thus creating 'scandal' for both the SSPX and the wider Church. Being outside of the Church is related to one being Sede vacantist. Denial of that being Williamson's position is contrary to his behavior. He was expelled from the SSPX, thus, he is not aligned with any other recognised church body of Priests, and he openly denies the legitimacy of Pope Francis Papacy, that makes him a Sede. That being said, I have no more time for Pope Francis and his regime than other like minded Catholics. The Church in its history, has experienced a number of 'dysfunctional' Popes, Francis, in my humble opinion, is one of them, but unless he is found guilty, by the appropriate Church body, of open heresy, he remains as our legitimate Pope. Trust that makes my position clearer.
Alex A

Gaza: Archdiocese Distances itself from its own Archbishop

Now, there's a couple of 'upstanding, righteous' countries whom have never ill treated its citizens. 🤫
Alex A

Bishop Williamson sermon for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, 12th May 2024

God protect us from such an apostate. The damage Williamson and his cronies did in Ireland makes me angry to even think about it. Up until now I have avoided commenting. on the subject beyond a few curt remarks. For your education, Williamson has placed himself outside of the church. Period! He is an Anti-Semitic, Holocaust denier, who appears to have no idea of the divisive side of his nature which …More
God protect us from such an apostate. The damage Williamson and his cronies did in Ireland makes me angry to even think about it. Up until now I have avoided commenting. on the subject beyond a few curt remarks. For your education, Williamson has placed himself outside of the church. Period! He is an Anti-Semitic, Holocaust denier, who appears to have no idea of the divisive side of his nature which caused harm to a number of families in Ireland. Beyond that, I will say no more. It is clear to me that you are a follower of his, that being the case, any advice from me or any one else, would not be solicited by you, so, I wish you well, and please keep in mind that the Catholic Church is still in existence and will be so, till the end of time.
Alex A

German Protestants turn away from Christ towards the veneration of Taylor Swift

....and Judaism? Given Our Blessed Lord, His Blessed Parents, Apostles, Disciples early Jewish Christians all observed the Jewish Faith, seems to be at variance with the quote you cited.
Alex A

Bishop Williamson sermon for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, 12th May 2024

An apostate 'Bishop' and sedevacantist
Alex A

Vatican preparing 'guidelines' for 'apparitions', 'other supernatural phenomena'

And the, 'Lady of Good Success'? 🤔
Alex A

The Orthodox Church commemorates today Saint Thomas the Apostle

And your point being?
Alex A

Francis showing the Joy of the Ascension

'Heavenly Joy' in doubt?