Lisi Sterndorfer
Lisi Sterndorfer teilt von der Logos
31,7 Tsd.
Heute ist das Fest der Erscheinung des heiligen Erzengels Michael auf dem Berg Gargano. Sancte Michael, ora pro nobisMehr
Heute ist das Fest der Erscheinung des heiligen Erzengels Michael auf dem Berg Gargano.
Sancte Michael, ora pro nobis

8. Mai Erscheinung des heiligen Erzengels Michael

Dieses heutige Fest wurde von der Kirche angeordnet und eingesetzt zur Erinnerung an eine wunderbare Erscheinung des heiligen Michael um das Jahr 495 auf dem Berg Gargano in Süditalien. Seit jener Zeit …Mehr
Dieses heutige Fest wurde von der Kirche angeordnet und eingesetzt zur Erinnerung an eine wunderbare Erscheinung des heiligen Michael um das Jahr 495 auf dem Berg Gargano in Süditalien. Seit jener Zeit nahm die Verehrung des heiligen Michael einen mächtigen Aufschwung, eine Verehrung, die bis heute fortdauert und auch zu Recht fortdauert, denn Sankt Michael nimmt unter den himmlischen Geistern eine hervorragende Stellung ein.
Gleich zu Beginn der Schöpfung wird der Name dieses Fürsten unter den Engeln rühmend genannt, denn Michael war es, der an der Spitze der guten Engel den Kampf gegen Luzifer und seinen Anhang siegreich bestand.
Später wurde Sankt Michael der Schutzherr des Auserwählten Volkes im Alten Bund, den die Heilige Schrift den großen Fürsten nennt, der für die Söhne seines Volkes einsteht. In gleicher Weise gilt Michael im Neuen Bund als der Schutzgeist der Kirche Christi. Im Schuldbekenntnis wurde früher bei jeder heiligen Messe sein Name zweimal genannt, und wenn im …Mehr
sudetus schönhoff
Wunderbares 62er Missale gestrichen wiecauch der 3.Mai und dss Schutzfest des hl. Josef usw. Und dann rühmen sich die Pius Petrus Leute das …Mehr
Wunderbares 62er Missale gestrichen wiecauch der 3.Mai und dss Schutzfest des hl. Josef usw. Und dann rühmen sich die Pius Petrus Leute das sie die Tradition retten....zum lachen
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Die Rinderhaltung war für die Mönche aufwändig und reichte zum Lebensunterhalt nicht aus. Um das Einkommen der Klostergemeinschaft zu verbessern, wurde zusätzlich ein Süßwarengeschäft betrieben, das …Mehr
Die Rinderhaltung war für die Mönche aufwändig und reichte zum Lebensunterhalt nicht aus. Um das Einkommen der Klostergemeinschaft zu verbessern, wurde zusätzlich ein Süßwarengeschäft betrieben, das jedoch nicht den erhofften Erfolg brachte. Mitte der 1960er Jahre verkauften die Mönche das Vieh und errichteten zwei Ställe für 10.000 Legehennen. Für die kommenden 18 Jahre war die Hühnerfarm die wichtigste Erwerbsquelle für die Trappisten von Snowmass.

Trappistenkloster in Colorado steht für 150 Millionen US-Dollar zum Verkauf

4. Mai 2024 In dieser Reihe über die US-amerikanischen Trappistenklöster, deren Geschichte noch so jung ist, muss von einer …
Kardinal Burke feierte mit der Cappa Magna in der St. Leo Oratory Church, Diözese Columbus, Ohio, am Fest des Schutzpatrons, dem 11. April.

Requiem für Traditionis Custodes: Römischer Ritus ist lebendig

Das Institut Christus der König (ICRSS) zelebriert regelmäßig Pontifikalämter in aller Welt. Beispiele aus der Osterzeit (Bilder unten): - Kardinal Rouco Varela, 87, ehemaliger Erzbischof von Madrid,…Mehr
Das Institut Christus der König (ICRSS) zelebriert regelmäßig Pontifikalämter in aller Welt. Beispiele aus der Osterzeit (Bilder unten):
- Kardinal Rouco Varela, 87, ehemaliger Erzbischof von Madrid, Spanien, feierte in der Colegiata in Madrid.
- Monsignore Glen John Provost, 74, Bischof von Lake Charles, USA, zelebrierte im Priesterseminar von Christus König in Gricigliano, Italien (1. Mai).
- Kardinal Raymond Burke, 75, feierte am Ostersonntag ein Pontifikalamt in der Kirche der Heiligen Michel und Gaëtan in Florenz, Italien.
- Kardinal Burke feierte mit der Cappa Magna in der St. Leo Oratory Church, Diözese Columbus, Ohio, am Fest des Schutzpatrons, dem 11. April.
Seminaristen in Wigratzbad sind noch im Mai beim Schifahren
FSSP, Wigratzbad: Nous sommes déjà au mois de mai, mais on skie encore dans les montagnes de la région de Wigratzbad...
Bethlehem 2014
Tja: da geht's wohl ordentlich mit den Petrus-Leuten bergab! 😉
Wollen wohl noch den letzten Schnee vor dessen endgültigem Verschwinden durch den Klimawandel genießen. 😂
"The progressive priests who dominated the U.S. church in the years after Vatican II are now in their 70s and 80s. Many are retired. Some are dead. Younger priests, surveys show, are far more conservative."

Regime News Agency: Catholics Take Over Church in the USA

The former news agency published on May 1 a description of the U.S. Church written by a certain Tim Sullivan. Pay attention to the propagandistic tune of the article [corrected with the …Mehr
The former news agency published on May 1 a description of the U.S. Church written by a certain Tim Sullivan. Pay attention to the propagandistic tune of the article [corrected with the expressions in brackets]. Quotes.
• “Across the U.S., the Catholic Church is undergoing an immense shift. Generations of Catholics who embraced the modernising tide [=secularisation] sparked in the 1960s by Vatican II are increasingly giving way to religious conservatives [he means: people who love the Church] who believe [he means: who understand] the church has been twisted by change, with the promise of eternal salvation replaced by guitar Masses, parish-food and casual indifference to church doctrine.”
• “The shift, moulded by plummeting church attendance, increasingly traditional [=Catholic] priests and growing numbers of young Catholics searching for more orthodoxy, has reshaped parishes across the country, leaving them sometimes at odds with Francis and much of the [ex]-Catholic world.” …Mehr
Jeffrey Ade
@john333 I was thinking the same thing! You can be as conservative as you like, but with out Holy Orders we become simply pious men! Our Lady of Fatima …Mehr
@john333 I was thinking the same thing! You can be as conservative as you like, but with out Holy Orders we become simply pious men! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Paul vi changed formula consecrating bishop think about it
Lisi Sterndorfer teilt von Cornelio Nino Morales
Kardinal Rouco Varela feierte Alte Lateinische Messe im "Colegiata" von Madrid
El Cardenal Rouco Varela preside Misa tradicional celebrada en la Colegiata de Madrid
Krardinal Burke zelebrierte am Ostersonntag ein traditionelles Pontifikalamt in der Kirche Saints Michel et Gaëtan in Florenz (Florenz, Italien).
Il cardinale Burke ha celebrato una tradizionale Messa pontificale la domenica di Pasqua nella chiesa di Saints Michel et Gaëtan a Firenze (Italia).
Fronleichnam im Schloss Jaidhof Liebe Gläubige! In einem Monat, am 30.5.2024, feiern wir wieder das Fronleichnamsfest in Jaidhof! Schon heute eine sehr herzliche Einladung an alle! Bringen Sie wieder …Mehr
Fronleichnam im Schloss Jaidhof Liebe Gläubige! In einem Monat, am 30.5.2024, feiern wir wieder das Fronleichnamsfest in Jaidhof! Schon heute eine sehr herzliche Einladung an alle! Bringen Sie wieder viele Freunde mit, damit es wieder viele hunderte ergriffene Teilnehmer werden wie in den letzten Jahren. Kommen Sie zur Prozession und stärken Sie Ihren Glauben! Das Opfer der Anreise lohnt sich immer! Der kürzlich verstorbene Bischof von Chur Vitus Huonder sagte noch: Die Prozession in Jaidhof war die schönste Fronleichnamsprozession seines Lebens. Hier sehen Sie ein Video der großen Prozession im letzten Jahr! Gottes reichen Segen! P. Johannes Regele, Distriktoberer

Spielen die Ampel-Politiker Gott, Frau Kelle?

Spielen die Ampel-Politiker Gott, Frau Kelle? Ihr aktuelles Buch heißt „Ich kauf mir ein Kind. Das unwürdige Geschäft mit der Leihmutterschaft“. Wie kamen …
Chartres Pilgeomsge had 16,000 last year, and will see 18,000 this year: only because they’ve capped the numbers a month before the event. After a long winter, the traditional movement is experiencing …Mehr
Chartres Pilgeomsge had 16,000 last year, and will see 18,000 this year: only because they’ve capped the numbers a month before the event. After a long winter, the traditional movement is experiencing a spring, and recent showers of slushy hail aren’t going to hold it back.

One Month in Advance: Chartres Pilgrimage Already Overbooked

The famous Roman Rite pilgrimage to Chartres from 18 to 20 May, organised by Notre Dame de Chrétienté, is attracting unprecedented interest. The organisers have had to close registrations well in …Mehr
The famous Roman Rite pilgrimage to Chartres from 18 to 20 May, organised by Notre Dame de Chrétienté, is attracting unprecedented interest.
The organisers have had to close registrations well in advance because they have reached capacity. Spokeswoman Odile Téqui told that this year's demand far exceeded initial forecasts:
"We were expecting an increase of 12% in the number of pilgrims over the three days, which was already a big effort given that our average growth, excluding the Covid period, has been 8% per year over the last ten years." But, she adds, these expectations have been exceeded.
Last year's pilgrimage was also heavily overbooked, but registration closed a week before the event instead of a month before.
Due to the massive influx of pilgrims, especially on Monday when attendance peaks, exact numbers will not be known until after the pilgrimage.
This growth is due in no small part to Bergoglio's ongoing battle against the Roman liturgy.
Picture: nd-…Mehr
Jan Joseph
Geweldig, paus Franciscus moet nog even doorgaan de Tridentijnse Romeinse Heilige Mis te verbieden. Straks is de Tridentijnse Romeinse Katholieke kerk …Mehr
Geweldig, paus Franciscus moet nog even doorgaan de Tridentijnse Romeinse Heilige Mis te verbieden. Straks is de Tridentijnse Romeinse Katholieke kerk veel groter dan de Rooms Katholieke Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk van paus Franciscus.
Wer ist die Autorin des (für mich) Hass-Artikels: Zuletzt Interism-Leiterin der Redaktion von, künftg Chefredaktorin beim Pfarrblatt Bern - alles kirchliche Gelder.

Beerdigung von Vitus Huonder in Ecône: Der Traditionsbruch des Traditionalisten

Am Mittwoch wurde der ehemalige Churer Bischof Vitus Huonder in Ecône beerdigt. Bis auf eine Ausnahme blieben die Offiziellen …
Lukas Dux
Der Artikel ist unter allem Niveau und inhaltlich an vielen Stellen schlicht falsch. Dass sich die NZZ sowas antut! Verwundert mich doch ein wenig!
Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore has announced that a Vatican indult allowing a diocesan Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) in his archdiocese will expire in August and that the sole Latin Mass there will …Mehr
Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore has announced that a Vatican indult allowing a diocesan Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) in his archdiocese will expire in August and that the sole Latin Mass there will be offered by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP).

Archbishop of Baltimore Bans Holy Mass

From August, only the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) will be "allowed" to celebrate Holy Mass in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, writes the conservative [whatever that means] Archbishop William …Mehr
From August, only the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) will be "allowed" to celebrate Holy Mass in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, writes the conservative [whatever that means] Archbishop William in a decree of 13 March.
All other priests must preside over the Eucharist of Bugnini, the Cromwell of Vatican II. The Holy Mass which is celebrated at St Mary's Church will be banned. Lori writes that he has received an indult from Rome to continue celebrating Mass temporarily during a period of transition.
He says that he is "very grateful" to a [supposedly] "large number" of St Mary's parishioners who, over time, have switched from Holy Mass to the Novus Ordo.
The FSSP parish at Baltimore's National Shrine of St Alphonsus Liguori is in a troubled neighbourhood, yet the church is full.
Meanwhile, the Archdiocese of Baltimore has filed for bankruptcy, will close 40 of its 61 Novus Ordo parishes in the city, and only 2,000 Catholics attend weekly Eucharist in the remaining 21 parishes. …Mehr
@Slave of the Immaculata If Pius XII was your Pope stop resisting Holy Week changes.Mehr
@Slave of the Immaculata
If Pius XII was your Pope stop resisting Holy Week changes.
chris griffin
@Robert P Hartley Why don't you post that info you claim is on your side. If you believe it you should have it ready and waiting for an occasion as this.
7 weitere Kommentare
When Bishop Vitus Huonder stepped down as head of the Swiss Diocese of Chur in 2019, he joined the SSPX. He was buried today alongside SSPX founder Archbishop Lefebvre. Huonder’s successor, Bishop …Mehr
When Bishop Vitus Huonder stepped down as head of the Swiss Diocese of Chur in 2019, he joined the SSPX. He was buried today alongside SSPX founder Archbishop Lefebvre. Huonder’s successor, Bishop Joseph Bonnemain, attended the funeral at Écône 🇨🇭
Beerdigung des Schweizer Bischofs Vitus Hounder im Priesterseminar der Priesterbruderschaft St. Pius X. in Econe.
Sean Johnson
What an insult to Lefebvre, and an irrefutable gesture evincing the reorientation of the SSPX toward modernist Rome since his death. Perhaps in another …Mehr
What an insult to Lefebvre, and an irrefutable gesture evincing the reorientation of the SSPX toward modernist Rome since his death. Perhaps in another 5 years, they’ll exhume Lefebvre’s body and throw it off the mountain. The SSPX is completely captured.
Eternal rest grant unto him O’Lord…
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Stream zum Begräbnis von Bischof Huonder, beginnt um 11.30.

Funérailles de Mgr Vitus Huonder

avril 17, 2024, 11:30 - 15:00 Séminaire Écône Selon son propre désir, plusieurs fois exprimé, Mgr Vitus Huonder sera enseveli au séminaire d’Écône, « auprès de …
Michael Karasek
leider kein Ton. 😭
Isabelle Marie
C'est l'absoute, en ce moment.
2 weitere Kommentare
Fr. Z: “The Archdiocese of Baltimore will be the 30th diocese to declare bankruptcy. They will close parishes. What will be left? 21 of 61. Meanwhile, there is an FSSP parish there, in a troubled …Mehr
Fr. Z: “The Archdiocese of Baltimore will be the 30th diocese to declare bankruptcy. They will close parishes. What will be left? 21 of 61. Meanwhile, there is an FSSP parish there, in a troubled neighborhood. Standing room only.”

Baltimore: Church Attendance Falls From 250,000 to 2,000

Archbishop William Lori, 72, of Baltimore, Maryland, is reducing the number of parishes in the city of Baltimore from 61 to 21 and the number of churches from 59 to 26, reports (14 …Mehr
Archbishop William Lori, 72, of Baltimore, Maryland, is reducing the number of parishes in the city of Baltimore from 61 to 21 and the number of churches from 59 to 26, reports (14 April).
It has not yet been decided what will happen to the closed churches. Last autumn, the archdiocese filed for bankruptcy because of the anticipated costs of compensating hundreds of people who claim to be victims of homosexual abuse after a new law lifted the statute of limitations, allowing for random accusations that no one can prove.
But a spokesman said the drop was unrelated to the bankruptcy case and had been decided two years ago.
The city of Baltimore was once home to 250,000 Catholics. A steady decline began in the 1980s and has essentially fallen off a cliff in the last decade.
By 2019, there were fewer than 5,000 on the city's church rolls, and the closure of Corona reduced that number even further. Only about 2,000 people now regularly attend churches [in the city of Baltimore].Mehr
Naomi Arai
@john Yep and the only TLM on the western side of the “archdiocese “ will be shuttered in August.Mehr
Yep and the only TLM on the western side of the “archdiocese “ will be shuttered in August.
John A Cassani
The whole of the diocese is not going from 61 to 21 parishes, but the number either in the city or county of Baltimore. Evidently, there are only about …Mehr
The whole of the diocese is not going from 61 to 21 parishes, but the number either in the city or county of Baltimore. Evidently, there are only about 2,000 people attending Mass on a weekly basis in the Baltimore City at this point. The Archdiocese of Baltimore covers almost all of eastern Maryland, and they will still have around 100 parishes after this, as far as I can gather. It is dying though, along with all of the others on the eastern seaboard.
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El obispo de Montpellier, Francia, preside Misa tradicional y celebra confirmaciones en el apostolado del Instituto Cristo Rey Sumo Sacerdote en esa ciudad Fotos: @ICKSPMehr
El obispo de Montpellier, Francia, preside Misa tradicional y celebra confirmaciones en el apostolado del Instituto Cristo Rey Sumo Sacerdote en esa ciudad Fotos:
ICKSP: 36 enfants et adultes confirmés à l'apostolat de l'Institut à Montpellier, France
Vatican prosecutor files defamation charges against Italian blogger behind 'Silere Non Possum'

Blogger on Trial in the Vatican

Italian blogger Marco Felipe Perfetti ( has been charged by the Vatican with "slandering" Francis and allegedly revealing secrets. Perfetti is a young Roman lawyer with excellent …Mehr
Italian blogger Marco Felipe Perfetti ( has been charged by the Vatican with "slandering" Francis and allegedly revealing secrets.
Perfetti is a young Roman lawyer with excellent connections in the Vatican gossip pipeline. He never received a letter from the Vatican, let alone access to the prosecutor's files, even though the trial begins on 12 April, but learned of the accusation from the media.
"I'm completely surprised, also because our office is not in their state, so a rogatory letter should have been sent," he told
The Vatican promoter of justice, Alessandro Diddi, confirmed to the news of the trial and the offence of "defamation". Perfetti has brought the allegations against Father Marko Rupnik to light.
Pray for this brave lawyer!
Cardinale Sarah: I vescovi africani hanno parlato a nome dell'intera Chiesa rifiutando le benedizioni omosessuali.

Cardenal Sarah: los obispos africanos "han hablado en nombre de toda la Iglesia" al rechazar las "…

El cardenal Sarah hizo una conmovedora llamada al episcopado africano, instándoles a "hablar en nombre …
Francis has resumed the papal title, “Patriarch of the West,” which was dropped by Pope Benedict XVI.

Francis Reinstates a Papal Title Abolished by Benedict XVI

Francis reinstates the papal title of 'Patriarch of the West' in the 'Annuario Pontificio del Vaticano 2024'. reports that Francis' move is "to promote synodality", but it's more likely …Mehr
Francis reinstates the papal title of 'Patriarch of the West' in the 'Annuario Pontificio del Vaticano 2024'. reports that Francis' move is "to promote synodality", but it's more likely that he wants to increase his personal prestige and power, and strengthen Roman centralism.
The title was abolished in 2006 by Benedict XVI, who called it "unclear" and "obsolete". The Councils of Constantinople (381) and Chalcedon (451) established four patriarchates in the East (Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem).
The Roman Church had preferred the idea of the three Petrine episcopal sees: Rome, Alexandria and Antioch. The title "Patriarch of the West" was adopted by Pope Theodore in 642. After that it was used only occasionally.
Instead of playing around with papal titles, the Vatican should be doing something to counter the ongoing collapse of the Church.
Ivan Tomas
Well, he is "patriarch of the west" 'but not a Vicar of Christ. Hmmm,... whose patriarch is he then!? Shall we say, the patriarch of the (temporarily)…Mehr
Well, he is "patriarch of the west" 'but not a Vicar of Christ. Hmmm,... whose patriarch is he then!?
Shall we say, the patriarch of the (temporarily) ruler(s) of the West.
Abbé Rostand SSPX press release disappeared from LaPorteLatine. you can find the archive here: Wayback MachineMehr
Abbé Rostand SSPX press release disappeared from LaPorteLatine. you can find the archive here:
Wayback Machine

Communiqué de la Fraternité sacerdotale Saint-Pie X • LPL

Un prêtre de la Fraternité Saint-Pie X a reconnu des faits d’agressions sexuelles à l’encontre de mineurs. La Fraternité Saint-Pie X n’a pas …
Sean Johnson
Because I said this about 30 minutes prior (in the other thread)? "Which makes it curious that his name does not appear anywhere on the official SSPX …Mehr
Because I said this about 30 minutes prior (in the other thread)?
"Which makes it curious that his name does not appear anywhere on the official SSPX public statement, and which, so far as I am aware, has not been released anywhere in English (even though he spent several years here as District Superior). It’s almost as though it were some kind of legal damage control strategy to avoid emboldening any potential American (and Canadian) victims/litigants from coming forward and filing suit. If such were the case, would it not evince the SSPX openly sheltering a predator, even as it acknowledges his guilt?
Also outrageous that the French prosecutor is only seeking a 4-year SUSPENDED sentence. Is that country so far gone that one can be a serial child molester without fear of spending a single day behind bars?
Final question: How much of the SSPX ralliement to modernist Rome (and all the compromises, changes, and contradiction with previous positions which comprise it) is the result of …Mehr