Ave Crux
@andrew24157 The thing is, just hearing what LP wrote is enough to show it's diabolical. Her unspeakably immodest accounts of her relationship with Our Lord were absolutely shocking and horrifying.
Then the unduly familiar and virtually impudent manner in which she addresses Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin as though she were Their equal -- all of this shows the source.
I was so aghast at the utterly …More
@andrew24157 The thing is, just hearing what LP wrote is enough to show it's diabolical. Her unspeakably immodest accounts of her relationship with Our Lord were absolutely shocking and horrifying.

Then the unduly familiar and virtually impudent manner in which she addresses Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin as though she were Their equal -- all of this shows the source.

I was so aghast at the utterly self-centered manner in which LP dealt with Our Lord and Blessed Mother that I couldn't bear to listen to another word of her writings.

It wasn't even Father Mawdsley's critique that convinced me something was wrong. It was the passages he was quoting from LP's writings that absolutely horrified me and gave me a sense of great darkness, spiritual and theological disorder. I couldn't listen to any more quotes from her works, so I stopped listening.

There isn't a single other Saint about whose writings that can be said. The writings of the Saints are luminous and filled with perfect spiritual, theological and moral rectitude. They inspire virtue, not "elitism"; nor do they leave in souls a feeling of unrest, unease and darkness, and LP's writings do for so many.

Saint John of the Cross taught that the hallmark of all divine operations in a soul is to humble and annihilate it in the Presence of God and before others.

Saint John of the Cross said this humility would be the outstanding mark of truly divine communications and it will be the primary effect in the soul.

We see just the opposite in LP's writings, which is what this Exorcist Priest said. He said it is a diabolical deception that takes hold of the soul and so blinds them that they can no longer see the truth of the matter.
Scapular shares this
Every argument has two sides, just hear Daniel out. This deals only with Father Mawdsley’s subjective video presentations.
English Catholic
@Scapular - please explain why Fr Mawdsley's talks are 'subjective', by implication making O'Connor's talks 'objective'?
Fr Mawdsley’s enormous claims “Scream from Hell” “Antichrist” this is subjective, no structured argument. This flys in the face of so many Priests and Bishops who have read with edification the writings of SoG Luisa. This is not the way to treat publications with 1926 Imprimatur’s. Father’s claims are scandalous. Huge claims remain purely subjective without specific written justification in …More
Fr Mawdsley’s enormous claims “Scream from Hell” “Antichrist” this is subjective, no structured argument. This flys in the face of so many Priests and Bishops who have read with edification the writings of SoG Luisa. This is not the way to treat publications with 1926 Imprimatur’s. Father’s claims are scandalous. Huge claims remain purely subjective without specific written justification in proper argument form. Not scholarly and not Thomistic.
English Catholic
Oh so you're a Thomist? Interesting. Being as the vast majority of the four hours of Fr Mawdsley's videos are of him making direct quotes from Luisa's writings, I would say that is quite objective. Anyway, as I keep saying to you, Fr Mawdsley's videos - like him or not - are completely irrelevant - as are Daniel O'Connor's. Luisa's Cause was suspended by the DCS, and the Nihil Obstat not granted, …More
Oh so you're a Thomist? Interesting. Being as the vast majority of the four hours of Fr Mawdsley's videos are of him making direct quotes from Luisa's writings, I would say that is quite objective. Anyway, as I keep saying to you, Fr Mawdsley's videos - like him or not - are completely irrelevant - as are Daniel O'Connor's. Luisa's Cause was suspended by the DCS, and the Nihil Obstat not granted, for Theological, Christological, and Anthropological difficulties in her writings. You can go on about Fr Mawdsley until you're blue in the face, but it doesn't alter the facts as above - which were nothing to do with Fr Mawdsley's videos. Take the matter up with the DCS and the DDF. I have given you their contact details before.
Dear English Catholic the subject is Fr. Mawdsley’s subjective videos. And. For another day is what you like a broken record keep reminding us of is contemporary Rome’s ruling, many a good Saint has been censored by Rome.
English Catholic
@Scapular And many good Catholic laity have been rewarded for their obedience with regard to private revelation, which is not necessary for salvation.
Refutation of Father Mawdsley‘s subjective hit job.
People listen to this guy? Why?
Salliperson, what part of his argument do you disagree with?
One point.
@Scapular I never listened to the video. I am an old timer (1960s) and remember our bishop talking about this subject back then. I don’t understand why the laity listen to laymen on Catholic matters.
So I guess you never listened to the great Michael Davies!
Father Mawdsley presented a classic subjective hit job on the writings of Servant of God Luisa. Absolutely subjective, and anyone listening wouldn’t know what is in context, what is in mystical conformity with the Church, what is Cabal texts as opposed to Luisa’s writing. 100% of Fr Mawdsley approvals have never read even volume 1 Imprimatur 1926, so how can you judge? How do you know what is Cabal …More
Father Mawdsley presented a classic subjective hit job on the writings of Servant of God Luisa. Absolutely subjective, and anyone listening wouldn’t know what is in context, what is in mystical conformity with the Church, what is Cabal texts as opposed to Luisa’s writing. 100% of Fr Mawdsley approvals have never read even volume 1 Imprimatur 1926, so how can you judge? How do you know what is Cabal and what is the Book of Heaven? A convoluted subjective attack according to Father’s interpretation. These perfidious attacks appeal to itching ears of those with a bias agenda.
English Catholic
@Scapular Once again, a red herring. Father Mawdsley has no more jurisdiction in this matter than Daniel O'Connor. The DDF and the DCS suspended Luisa's Cause, not Fr Mawdsley.
Fr Mawdsley understandably has absolutely no interest in contemporary Vatican ruling’s. His attack on a Servant of God was no way in defence of any Vatican statement, this was of his own compunction and limited experience on the related subject, of which I am certain he will with further study live to regret. However itching ears lapped up what they wanted to hear.
English Catholic
@Scapular 'Servant of God' is an honorific title used in the Catholic Church to indicate that an individual is on the first step toward possible canonization as a saint. It is no guarantee of sanctity or that the process will definitely end in canonization. 'Servant of God' is not considered a canonical title in a strict sense by the Catholic Church (as for instance Venerable or Blessed are), but …More
@Scapular 'Servant of God' is an honorific title used in the Catholic Church to indicate that an individual is on the first step toward possible canonization as a saint. It is no guarantee of sanctity or that the process will definitely end in canonization. 'Servant of God' is not considered a canonical title in a strict sense by the Catholic Church (as for instance Venerable or Blessed are), but only a technical term used in the process of canonization. Hence, any of the faithful can be named a Servant of God in a larger frame of meaning. (Congregatio de Causis Sanctorum – Vincenzo Criscuolo, Daniel Ols, Robert J. Sarno (ed.), Le Cause dei Santi. Sussidio per lo Studium, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 3rd edition, Rome 2014, p. 342.)

I wouldn't call 4 hours of evidence over 3 videos as 'limited experience'. I'm sure very few could speak for 4 hours on something they knew little about. No. Father obviously did his homework, you just didn't like the outcome.

The 'itching ears' quote applies to people like you who lap up every apparition/mystic/seer going, whether they are approved/doubtful or condemned.
Simon North
@Scapular It would be helpful if you addressed some of Father Mawdsley's specific points. Ad hominum attacks are only issued by those not wanting to discuss the substance of a disagreement.
English Catholic
@Strong and Steadfast Reading your comment backwards, first of all we'll deal with the Gisella Cardia case. CTTK may have taken down her 'messages' but it hasn't stopped defending her, as this post demonstrates: Dubious apparition website 'Countdown to the Kingd… How would you feel if it were your sick parents who had been duped for €123,000 by Cardia? “We were both ill, we trusted her, it was …More
@Strong and Steadfast Reading your comment backwards, first of all we'll deal with the Gisella Cardia case. CTTK may have taken down her 'messages' but it hasn't stopped defending her, as this post demonstrates: Dubious apparition website 'Countdown to the Kingd… How would you feel if it were your sick parents who had been duped for €123,000 by Cardia? “We were both ill, we trusted her, it was a clamorous error,” Also O'Connor has a track record of contributing to the CTTK website which still defends false seers after their official ecclesiastical condemnation: Certain commenters have been promoting on Gloria T…

You also wrote "In these kinds of things, Daniel O'Connor is correct; we read into them what's in our hearts. We are living through a very disturbed and demonic age, in which very, very few people have escaped perversity. We are not in a position to judge the mystical experiences of St. Bernard, St. Gertrude, St. Catherine, or even Luisa Piccarreta based on that . . ." That argument, taken to its logical conclusion, obviates the need for any Cause of any alleged Saint whatsover, because those divinely charged with that role are not pure or worthy enough to understand or interpret alleged mystical experiences (like you and O'Connor are, apparently). You are correct in saying that WE are not in a position, it is not OUR position, as I have pointed out to you before: "An important document was issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in November 1996 and placed in L’Osservatore Romano. It stated:

“Regarding the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations, the Congregation states: The interpretation given by some individuals to a decision approved by Paul VI on 14 October 1966 and promulgated on 15 November of that year, in virtue of which writings and messages resulting from alleged revelations could be freely circulated in the Church is absolutely groundless. This decision actually referred to the “Abolition of the Index of Forbidden Books” and determined that after the relevant censures were lifted, the moral obligation still remained of not circulating or reading those writings which endanger faith and morals. It should be recalled however, that with regard to the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations, Canon 823#1 of the current code remains in force: “the Pastors of the Church have the … right to demand that writings to be published by the Christian faithful which touch upon faith or morals be submitted to their judgement”. Alleged supernatural revelations and writings concerning them are submitted in first instance to the judgement of the diocesan Bishop, and in particular cases, to the judgement of the Episcopal Conference and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.”

Obviously, Luisa's writings have been inspected by the CDF (now DDF) and found wanting. Accept that. If God wants otherwise in the future, I'm sure He will let us know. I've posted this 1000 times before, but it really applies to your position, so I don't mind doing it again - from the late, great Michael Davies RIP:

"Other Catholics have put their faith in one of the numerous apparitions which are allegedly taking place in many countries. Once again, if heavenly guidance can be communicated directly through the sect which is witnessing the alleged apparitions, then what need is there of a Magisterium? In the years following the Council a very clear pattern of behaviour has emerged among supporters of these apparitions.
It is a tendency to make belief in the authenticity of a particular apparition the criterion of orthodoxy. True Catholics believe in the apparitions, and the faith of those who do not is suspect in some way. Those drawn towards these apparitions tend to be conservative in outlook, the type of Catholic who might have been expected to defend the teaching of the Magisterium. Once such Catholics become “hooked” on an apparition all their efforts tend to be devoted to defending it and propagating it. They have thus been removed effectively from the battlefield for orthodoxy."

Also I am concerned at your hypocrisy and double standards: "In the case of the Korean bishops who disallowed the content in their diocese, (O'Connor) encouraged those people to obey that. He makes it clear he believes the judgement of the DDF and DCS is incorrect, and there's nothing wrong with that." So what you and O'Connor are saying is obey your bishops, but not really. Follow O'Connor's advice. Otherwise, he wouldn't be putting these criticisms out there.

@Strong and Steadfast Your opinion is noted. But it is only your opinion. And you have no authority in this matter at all, as neither do I, but I am not encouraging disobedience, while you are. You wrote: That "The Church has suspended the Cause of Luisa Piccaretta and a Nihil Obstat has not been granted, due to 'Theological, Christological, and Anthropological Difficulties'." really means nothing, whatsoever - yet." Well it does mean something. The original decision came from the Holy See. To be casual and dismissive of it is just plain wrong.

@Ave Crux put a post underneath which you might like to read. Maybe you are in the grip of some sort of diabolical addiction without realising it. I seem to recall from a while back that you were trying to defend Fr Michele Rodrigues - well, that has been blown out of the water: Certain commenters have been promoting on Gloria T… and also you were berating another GTV commenter who had said that the (then) bishop of Medjugorje (Bishop Ratko Peric) had declared the apparitions as 'constat de non supernaturalitate' (the non-supernaturality has been proven) and you vehemently disputed this, until I gave you evidence. Your objection was then deleted (why not leave it for all to see - pride?)

Although I can't find the exact quote, (then) Cardinal Ratzinger complained of an unhealthy over-emphasis of alleged mystical phenomena in the Church. I think you have an unhealthy penchant for this type of thing and would do better to stick to Public Revelation, Catholic Doctrine, Apologetics, and fully approved private revelation.

Also, in a speech reported in the 18th September 1996 edition of L’Osservatore Romano, Pope John Paul II stated: “Some members of the People of God are not rooted firmly enough in the Faith, so that the sects, with their deceptive proselytism, mislead them to separate themselves from true communion in Christ. Within the Church community, the multiplication of supposed “apparitions” or “visions” is sowing confusion and reveals a certain lack of solid basis to the faith and Christian life among her members.”
Simon North
@Strong and Steadfast Your first sentence is meaningless. Even if it were true (re: Ad hominum attacks), two wrongs don 't make a right. At least you've provided specifics. At first glance, they don't seem very persuasive, but at least you've given me something to since my teeth into.
English Catholic
@Strong and Steadfast I've answered all your questions in my original comment. Read it again. But you won't, because you prefer to err on the side of 'mystics' or even 'alleged mystics' or even 'condemned mystics' than the Church. And it doesn't matter if I write something 30 times or 3,000 times. If it's right, and you're sneakily trying to circumvent it by quoting the likes of O'Connor, then …More
@Strong and Steadfast I've answered all your questions in my original comment. Read it again. But you won't, because you prefer to err on the side of 'mystics' or even 'alleged mystics' or even 'condemned mystics' than the Church. And it doesn't matter if I write something 30 times or 3,000 times. If it's right, and you're sneakily trying to circumvent it by quoting the likes of O'Connor, then perhaps I ought to write it 3 million times, until it sinks into your head. I note you didn't answer the very relevant O'Connor/CTTK/Cardia/Rodrigues/Medjugorje points that I made. You made exactly the same argument way back when about Fr Michele Rodrigue and were eventually proved wrong.
English Catholic
@Strong and Steadfast The Holy See has suspended the Cause of Luisa Piccaretta and a Nihil Obstat has not been granted, due to 'Theological, Christological, and Anthropological Difficulties'. That concerns all of us, not just those whose Bishops' Conferences have specifically commented on it. See the letter from the French President of the Doctrinal Committee I posted on this thread.
People can also …More
@Strong and Steadfast The Holy See has suspended the Cause of Luisa Piccaretta and a Nihil Obstat has not been granted, due to 'Theological, Christological, and Anthropological Difficulties'. That concerns all of us, not just those whose Bishops' Conferences have specifically commented on it. See the letter from the French President of the Doctrinal Committee I posted on this thread.
People can also see this video. This is the modus operandi of people like O'Connor and yourself: Certain commenters have been promoting on Gloria T… I remember now that you were nitpicking on a previous post that Fr Michele Rodrigue's status was not in doubt because the bishop only said he was 'disallowed' and didn't use the specific term 'constat de non supernaturalitate'. Well, this video shows that his previous and current bishop have condemned him, but you will probably disregard it, because they haven't used the correct words, in your opinion.
4 more comments from English Catholic
English Catholic
@Strong and Steadfast Obviously, if you have deleted your comments, I cannot magic them up again. Very convenient. I can, however, re-post my answers to your comments about Fr Michele Rodrigue. Here is one (attached below). I strongly advise you to keep your comments in future. And I have not always referenced my own posts. Some of them came from YouTube and I had nothing to do with them, other than …More
@Strong and Steadfast Obviously, if you have deleted your comments, I cannot magic them up again. Very convenient. I can, however, re-post my answers to your comments about Fr Michele Rodrigue. Here is one (attached below). I strongly advise you to keep your comments in future. And I have not always referenced my own posts. Some of them came from YouTube and I had nothing to do with them, other than transfer them to GTV for convenience.
English Catholic
That video of Bp Robert Bourgon and Bishop Lemay's previous written statement on Rodrigue makes their respective positions perfectly clear. But obviously not good enough for CTTK and seemingly not good enough for you.
English Catholic
But, if you need the exact and precise wording, please contact them at:-
Pierre Olivier Tremblay, O.M.I., Bishop
Robert Ovide Bourgon, Bishop Emeritus
Official Web Site: google.com/?sca_esv=28bf11c19ea21427&output=search&gbv=1&sei=
Mailing Address: Eveche, C.P. 1330, 76 Septieme rue, Hearst, ON P0L 1N0, Canada
Telephone: (705)362-4903
Fax: 362-4421
Or his previous bishop:
Guy Boulanger, Bishop …More
But, if you need the exact and precise wording, please contact them at:-

Pierre Olivier Tremblay, O.M.I., Bishop
Robert Ovide Bourgon, Bishop Emeritus
Official Web Site: google.com/?sca_esv=28bf11c19ea21427&output=search&gbv=1&sei=
Mailing Address: Eveche, C.P. 1330, 76 Septieme rue, Hearst, ON P0L 1N0, Canada
Telephone: (705)362-4903
Fax: 362-4421

Or his previous bishop:

Guy Boulanger, Bishop
Gilles Lemay, Bishop Emeritus
Official Web Site: Diocèse d'Amos --- Page d'accueil
Mailing Address: Eveche, 450 rue Principale Nord, Amos, QC J9T 2M1, Canada
Telephone: (819) 732-6515
Fax: 732-7994

Although I suspect you will nitpick about any replies you may receive from them . . .
English Catholic
@Strong and Steadfast I accept that you have "no attachment to Fr. Michele Rodrigue or his messages." Which makes me wonder why you have spent so much time on GTV, now and in the past, hair-splitting and nit-picking and subtly undermining the bishop's document regarding Rodrigue. If I had no attachment to an alleged seer or their messages, I wouldn't lift finger to keyboard in order to question any …More
@Strong and Steadfast I accept that you have "no attachment to Fr. Michele Rodrigue or his messages." Which makes me wonder why you have spent so much time on GTV, now and in the past, hair-splitting and nit-picking and subtly undermining the bishop's document regarding Rodrigue. If I had no attachment to an alleged seer or their messages, I wouldn't lift finger to keyboard in order to question any statement the bishop had made. I don't think any normal person would. I'll post the Rodrigue document again and then commenters can make up their own minds, along with the video link to the comments made by Rodrigue's second bishop, after Rodrigue scarpered from the first diocese when the first condemnation came out. Certain commenters have been promoting on Gloria T… It wasn't just about the use of the word 'disallowance'. Bp Lemay headed it by saying 'Disallowance of Father Michael Rodrigue's messages and prophecies' and in the body of the letter, the bishop talks of falsehoods and unfulfilled prophecies and says "To this total disavowal of Father Michel Rodrigue's messages and prophecies, I add that I withdraw my support etc . . ." Well if that isn't a condemnation, I don't know what is. People can make up their own minds. The fact it might not meet your exacting standards is neither here nor there. Regarding the video, one interesting, and I think hilarious fact, is that although you accused it of being a 'propaganda hit-piece', the video attacking CTTK was actually made by the pro-Luisa Divine Will Ministries (way before the Holy See suspended Luisa's Cause) and CTTK promote Luisa, continue to promote Luisa, and CTTK contributor Daniel O'Connor is seemingly Luisa's main defender. So it will be interesting to see what happens there. I did make this point in a comment under the video. (disclaimer: I have never for one moment believed in Luisa/Divine Will since I first read about it).
Just one more point - being as @Scapular keeps posting these O'Connor/Luisa threads, I'm not letting him off the hook. He keeps doing these 'hit and run' jobs of posting this stuff, making one or two short comments, then disappearing and leaving everyone else to slug it out, while he's probably sloped off to watch TV. @Simon North said "It would be helpful if you addressed some of Father Mawdsley's specific points. Ad hominem attacks are only issued by those not wanting to discuss the substance of a disagreement." I noted @Scapular went very silent after that. So @Scapular, let's hear your specific points, and please don't say 'Strong and Steadfast' made all my points for me, that would be one cop-out too many. Let's hear your specific points in your own words. Thank you.
Ave Crux
All I know is that when I listened to Father Mawdsley's theological analysis of LP's writings I was absolutely horrified. Some of the things she wrote were
1) so vile,
2) so vainglorious, and
3) so completely at odds with the Church's revelation and bi-millennial deposit of Faith...
that I could not even finish listening to Father's talks, because just hearing what LP wrote in her manuscripts filled …More
All I know is that when I listened to Father Mawdsley's theological analysis of LP's writings I was absolutely horrified. Some of the things she wrote were

1) so vile,
2) so vainglorious, and
3) so completely at odds with the Church's revelation and bi-millennial deposit of Faith...

that I could not even finish listening to Father's talks, because just hearing what LP wrote in her manuscripts filled me with such a deeply disturbing sense of a diabolical darkness near at hand that was trying to penetrate the fortress of my Catholic Faith with grave error. As soon as I stopped listening, my peace and inner light returned.

Nothing in genuinely divine private revelation should ever be capable of causing such darkness in souls...as many have attested they find the writings deeply troubling, dark and filled with pride. The devil's tail can always be seen.

NOTE: I know a wonderful, devout, Exorcist Priest. He said the revelations are diabolical in nature and that when he tries to help souls who are in their grip, they have become impenetrable, and he finds all means useless in trying to rescue them from the control which these revelations have over them in a false and dangerous spirituality.
English Catholic
@Ave Crux Send Daniel O'Connor to your exorcist friend.
Ok Ave Crux true private revelation including Fatima are not required for salvation. And if we think not as Christ Thinks. My ways are not your ways…
1. What is more vile than eating Flesh?
2. Vain glorious, name one act of Luisa’s contradiction to obedience.
3. Name one at odds with, from the beginning of Genesis? Remember God never changes and there is nothing new under the sun.
English Catholic
@Scapular All of your questions to @Ave Crux are irrelevant. The Church has suspended the Cause of Luisa Piccaretta and a Nihil Obstat has not been granted, due to "Theological, Christological, and Anthropological Difficulties". End of. Get over it.
Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us
Simon North
This guy speaks the language of a demagogue.
Our Lord condemned Pharisees and Sadducees as modernists of their time, in power over the people. They were not faithful to Moses or Abraham. They were emphatically NOT traditional, "If you believed Moses you would believe Me." No Catholic is obligated to believe private revelation. Mr O'Conner falls into the ditch on the other side of the road.
English Catholic
@CatMuse I agree with your statement 'no Catholic is obligated to believe private revelation' but the Church still has a duty to protect the flock - especially the more vulnerable members - from false seers. Look at the awful case recently where false seer Gisella Cardia took €123,000 from a man and his wife. The man said: “We were both ill, we trusted her, it was a clamorous error.” It could have …More
@CatMuse I agree with your statement 'no Catholic is obligated to believe private revelation' but the Church still has a duty to protect the flock - especially the more vulnerable members - from false seers. Look at the awful case recently where false seer Gisella Cardia took €123,000 from a man and his wife. The man said: “We were both ill, we trusted her, it was a clamorous error.” It could have been avoided if the man and his wife had waited for the official declaration from the Church, which found that the 'non-supernaturality (of Cardia's case) had been proven'. This now protects future victims from fraud.
English Catholic
@Scapular As I have said before, Daniel O'Connor has no authority whatsoever over this matter. He is just a man on YouTube with a microphone. The Church, specifically the DDF and the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints has suspended the Cause of Luisa Piccaretta and a Nihil Obstat has not been granted, due to "Theological, Christological, and Anthropological Difficulties". The Church has the authority …More
@Scapular As I have said before, Daniel O'Connor has no authority whatsoever over this matter. He is just a man on YouTube with a microphone. The Church, specifically the DDF and the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints has suspended the Cause of Luisa Piccaretta and a Nihil Obstat has not been granted, due to "Theological, Christological, and Anthropological Difficulties". The Church has the authority to make these decisions. O'Connor doesn't and he knows it. There is a video critique of a website to which O'Connor contributes here: Certain commenters have been promoting on Gloria T… and the President of the Doctrinal Commission's statement on Piccarretta below.
You are wasting your God-given time habitually promoting these false things, when you could be alerting people to REAL issues. Michael Davies couldn't have put it better: "Other Catholics have put their faith in one of the numerous apparitions which are allegedly taking place in many countries. Once again, if heavenly guidance can be communicated directly through the sect which is witnessing the alleged apparitions, then what need is there of a Magisterium? In the years following the Council a very clear pattern of behaviour has emerged among supporters of these apparitions.
It is a tendency to make belief in the authenticity of a particular apparition the criterion of orthodoxy. True Catholics believe in the apparitions, and the faith of those who do not is suspect in some way. Those drawn towards these apparitions tend to be conservative in outlook, the type of Catholic who might have been expected to defend the teaching of the Magisterium. Once such Catholics become “hooked” on an apparition all their efforts tend to be devoted to defending it and propagating it. They have thus been removed effectively from the battlefield for orthodoxy."
Any person can present an argument and there is right of rebuttal. Many true apparitions and Saint’s have been put on hold by the Church. All part of the process.
English Catholic
@Scapular The hierarchy/clergy who asked the CDF to revisit the cases of the alleged seers that had been 'put on hold by the Church' did so discreetly and using correct ecclesiastical procedures. That is one thing. Laity shooting off their mouths on YouTube and inciting disobedience (while feigning obedience) is quite another.
I recall a Priest presenting an argument to Rome in 2000, that mistranslating promultis as “for all” would run the risk of invalidating the Mass.
Was this the Catholic approach?More
I recall a Priest presenting an argument to Rome in 2000, that mistranslating promultis as “for all” would run the risk of invalidating the Mass.

Was this the Catholic approach?
English Catholic
@Scapular Never having heard of this specific case, I can't answer with any certainty, but it seems unlikely, if you're relaying it back to us now on GTV. But none of this has any bearing on lay people exceeding their authority and making disobedient videos for YouTube, which is what I was talking about.