Francis Literally Digs His Own Grave: "Does the Church Still Believe in Anything?"

Jean-Marie Guénois wrote an article on (29 March) entitled "The end of the reign in the Vatican - How the Church is preparing for the day after Francis". In the Roman Basilica of Santa …More
Jean-Marie Guénois wrote an article on (29 March) entitled "The end of the reign in the Vatican - How the Church is preparing for the day after Francis".
In the Roman Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, "restoration work" is currently being carried out.
In reality, according to Guénois, what is called "restoration work" is a tomb being prepared for Francis. "I want to be buried in Santa Maria Maggiore," he said in an interview on 13 December last year.
Guénois observes that Francis' image "is always good" in the [anti-clerical] media of the oligarchs, while the climate in the Church is deteriorating: "In the Vatican, the atmosphere is more tense than ever; in the local parishes, there is confusion".
He writes that "more than half of the world's bishops" [all from areas where the Church is not in numerical and moral decadence] have rejected Francis' homosexual propaganda piece "Fiducia supplicans".
He quotes a cardinal living in Rome who calls Fiducia supplicans 'the drop of …More
Opera 369
@Boanerges Boanerges Your post should be reposted a million times, to go around the world to reach those that still want to think there is a 'pope' in the Vatican! We can now consider the majority of bishops and cardinals: "Ecclesiastical Artificial Intelligence" - their thinking is merely limited to 'putting on their vestments' and making sure they can still hold on to their apartments, pensions …More
@Boanerges Boanerges Your post should be reposted a million times, to go around the world to reach those that still want to think there is a 'pope' in the Vatican! We can now consider the majority of bishops and cardinals: "Ecclesiastical Artificial Intelligence" - their thinking is merely limited to 'putting on their vestments' and making sure they can still hold on to their apartments, pensions and fringe benefits, until their ....motor stops.
Boanerges Boanerges
Will we ever learn that the false prophet insists on these topics of his "poor health", his "imminent death" and "his potential successors" just so he can euthanize any resistance by bishops and priests most of who are unfortunately either corrupt or incredibly cowardly and hope that Bergoglio "will just vanish".
Paus Franciscus kan theoretisch nog wel 10 jaar leven, dan is er geen katholieke kerk meer over en is de kerk in duizenden stukjes uiteengevallen. Want paus Franciscus zal het huwelijk van priesters en de vrouwelijke priester nog goedkeuren en niet te vergeten zal paus Franciscus abortus aanvaarden. Want paus Franciscus is een man van de maatschappij, zo de wind waait waait mijn rokje. Dus er zal …More
Paus Franciscus kan theoretisch nog wel 10 jaar leven, dan is er geen katholieke kerk meer over en is de kerk in duizenden stukjes uiteengevallen. Want paus Franciscus zal het huwelijk van priesters en de vrouwelijke priester nog goedkeuren en niet te vergeten zal paus Franciscus abortus aanvaarden. Want paus Franciscus is een man van de maatschappij, zo de wind waait waait mijn rokje. Dus er zal nu door de kardinalen moeten worden ingegrepen.
Slave of the Immaculata
Are there enough Catholic Cardinals to elect a Catholic pope?
Gisela Mueller
Only the cardinals pre-Bergoglio, pre-2013.
Denis Efimov
It is unlikely that any of the mentioned possible successors is capable (and even hardly wants) to put an end to false ecumenism, liberalism, modernism, synodality, and resume what the Catholic Church on earth has always been and is doing - an irreconcilable war with the world, the flesh and the devil.
P. O'B
"...false ecumenism, liberalism, modernism, synodality..." In other words, dump Vatican II.