Rachel Maria
Santinho: Véu Sagrado. ACCIPE VELAMEN SACRUM pudoris et reverentiae signum quod perferas sine macula ut inter sponsas Christi merearis in Agni perpetuo comitatu permanere. * * * RECEBEI ESTE VÉU SAGRADO, …Mais
Santinho: Véu Sagrado.
pudoris et reverentiae signum
quod perferas sine macula
ut inter sponsas Christi merearis
in Agni perpetuo comitatu permanere.

* * *
RECEBEI ESTE VÉU SAGRADO, símbolo da pureza e da santa reserva. Levai-o sem mancha, para mereceres permanecer eternamente entre as esposas do Cristo no cortejo do Cordeiro. * * * Ó Amado Senhor Jesus, que este véu que vossa serva leva sobre a cabeça seja por Vosso amor e por amor da Virgem Maria, Vossa Mãe Santíssima. Fazei que, guardada por Vós, possa conservar a pureza da alma e do corpo – a qual este véu simboliza misticamente – para que seja reconhecida entre as outras donzelas. E quando chegar a hora da recompensa eterna dos santos, seguindo-Vos, esteja pronta a entrar com as virgens prudentes no banquete das núpcias eternas. Amém.
Rachel Maria
With electronic translator:
symbol of purity and the holy book.
Take him without spot,
to deserve it remain eternally
among wives of Christ
the procession of the Lamb.
O Dear Lord Jesus, that this veil that your servant takes over the head is for love and for love of the Virgin Mary, Thy Holy Mother.
Grant that, saved by You, to retain the purity of soul and body - …Mais
With electronic translator:
symbol of purity and the holy book.
Take him without spot,
to deserve it remain eternally
among wives of Christ
the procession of the Lamb.
O Dear Lord Jesus, that this veil that your servant takes over the head is for love and for love of the Virgin Mary, Thy Holy Mother.
Grant that, saved by You, to retain the purity of soul and body - which this veil symbolizes mystically - to be recognized among the other maidens. And when the time of the eternal reward of the saints arrive, followed by Vos, is ready to go with the bridesmaids at the banquet of eternal nuptials. Amen.