Rome: FSSP Church Restored

On 19 April, in a small ceremony, the façade of the Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini church in Rome was illuminated after several months of restoration. The church is served by the Priestly Fraternity …More
On 19 April, in a small ceremony, the façade of the Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini church in Rome was illuminated after several months of restoration.
The church is served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP). It is the last oasis for Roman Rite Catholics, among hundreds of little-used Novus Ordo churches in the Eternal City.
Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini was consecrated in 1616 and has statues of the four evangelists on its restored façade. They were added in 1723 by Francesco De Sanctis, a late Baroque Italian architect best known for designing the Spanish Steps.
Bractwo Piotra has buildings which are the churches.
Bractwo PiusaX has only chapels looking like barns
Resistance Priests build own churches, normal looking churches
Który z tych budynków jest odnowiony?
Taki budynek w Ottawie, bractwa fssp (Piotra) zamiast odnawiać, został sprzedany i dziś w nim jest budynek mieszkałny. A parafia przeniosła się do Św Anny w centrum miasta. Sam byłem kierownikiem przedudowy, wymiany witraży na okna i wzmacniania fundamentów. Oczywiście biskup oficjalnie dokonał desakralizacji budynku przed sprzedażą.
Bracto Piotra ma prawie 400 swoich księży.
Mało kto wie że ono powstało z odejścia tych księży z Bractwa Piusax gdzie dziś jest jakieś 600 księży, po odejściu setek księży tzw Oporu jak bp Williamson, czy bp Pfeiffer
One more comment from stanislawp
@English Catholic Just tell me because im still confused, The renowated is the one with plaster on it?
English Catholic
The renovated one is the picture on the right - the lighter coloured one.
OK thank you. I see renowations were done iside as well