This INSANITY makes me ANGRY! Rafe Heydel-Mankoo Blasts Labour & Tory Parties

Allah's Willing Executioners Antisemitism, Antizionism, Jihadism and the Reunited Germany. News by Fred Alan Medforth Your …

Homosexual Activist Bergoglio Writes Another Preface

Francis has written the preface (published on and, 3 June) to "Lazarus, Come Forth!", a book by the notorious homosexual activist James Martin who happens to be a …More
Francis has written the preface (published on and, 3 June) to "Lazarus, Come Forth!", a book by the notorious homosexual activist James Martin who happens to be a Jesuit.
The foreword is pure sycophancy.
It begins by saying that Francis is "very grateful to Father James Martin, whose other writings I also know and appreciate".
Pope Francis adds that "there are many reasons to thank him, closely related to the way 'Come Forth' unfolds. It's always fascinating and never predictable".
"Father James makes the biblical text come alive" .
"Father James has the perspective of a man who has fallen in love with the Word of God".
"As we read James Martin's detailed analysis, we can practically feel the profound meaning of what Jesus is doing when he finds himself in front of a dead man who is really dead and whose body gives off a foul odour - a metaphor for the moral rot that sin produces in our souls".
It is the same moral rot that has contaminated the Vatican …More
English Catholic
From The Remnant: BREAKING NEWS: Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan apologizes for deaths and injuries linked to COVID "vaccine", criticizes ban on Ivermectin

BREAKING NEWS: Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan apologizes for deaths …

Notably, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, a former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan and …
Lisi Sterndorfer
Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana, Kazakhstan, blessed ongoing efforts to establish a traditional Carmelite monastery in Florida, independent of any diocese. “The desire of the Sisters is to serve …More
Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana, Kazakhstan, blessed ongoing efforts to establish a traditional Carmelite monastery in Florida, independent of any diocese.
“The desire of the Sisters is to serve the Holy Roman Catholic Church as an autonomous monastic community for the greater glory of God, the salvation of souls, and the safekeeping of the Traditional Latin Mass,” Schneider wrote in a blessing.
The bishop concluded, “May the blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit descend upon this work and remain forever!”
Sister Loretta-Maria of the Blessed Trinity and the Rosary previously lived in a now-suppressed Carmelite monastery in Savannah, Georgia, founded in 1958. Last year, the Vatican shut down the monastery after claiming that the community did not meet the requirements of its 2018 instruction Cor Orans, which revolutionized women’s contemplative life. The directive centralized religious communities under “federations,” thereby undercutting their individuality and …More
One page

WHO director Tedros: ‘It's time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers' - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus …
Novena - Oremus
Should we be afraid?

Pope Francis to Release Apostolic Exhortation on the Sacred Heart of Jesus - ZENIT - English

(ZENIT News / Roma, 06.02.2024).- Pope Francis is set to publish a new apostolic exhortation focusing on the …
Billy F
More Gobbledygook!

‘Pregnant man’ becomes ‘abortion doula’ to assist others who want to kill their babies - LifeSite

In 2016, Ash Williams became pregnant for the first time. Williams wants to be a parent eventually — …
Tom Morelli
President Trump Gains 3 million TikTok Followers in 24 Hours – Raises Quarter Billion Dollars ($250,000,000) in Three Days

President Trump Gains 3 million TikTok Followers in 24 Hours - Raises Quarter Billion Dollars in Three …

After we checked on Sunday following President Trump announcing his TikTok account he had 800,000 …

Israels KI-gesteuerter Völkermord an den Palästinensern von Sarmad Ishfaq - Sicht vom Hochblauen Hunderte von …
Tom Jones

When people claim violence is protected speech...

Man charged with attempted murder, assault and theft in series of crimes they lose all restraint and become more violent. Antifa and BLM organizer who is praised shows their true colors! By their fruits …More
Man charged with attempted murder, assault and theft in series of crimes
they lose all restraint and become more violent.
Antifa and BLM organizer who is praised shows their true colors!
By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles [Matthew 7:16]
Father Karl A Claver
These people are wack jobs. They belong in the rubber room.
‘Pregnant man’ becomes ‘abortion doula’ to assist others who want to kill their babies - a 'Rolling Stone' story reflects the craziness that comes from gender confusion.

Life As an Abortion Doula

I n 2016, Ash Williams became pregnant for the first time. Williams wants to be a parent eventually — but he wasn’t ready for a child then. He didn’t know much about what an …
chris griffin
Insanity on steroids. I pray for the murdered baby.
De Profundis
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Japan's former minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, apologized to the public for injuries and deaths resulting from the nation's COVID shot rollout as well as the …More
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Japan's former minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, apologized to the public for injuries and deaths resulting from the nation's COVID shot rollout as well as the suppression of the antiviral drug ivermectin.

BREAKING NEWS: Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan apologizes for deaths …

Notably, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, a former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan and …

Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly – Daily update: 1 June 2024

World Health Assembly agreement reached on wide-ranging, decisive package of amendments to improve the International Health Regulations, and sets date for finalizing negotiations on a proposed Pandemic …More
World Health Assembly agreement reached on wide-ranging, decisive package of amendments to improve the International Health Regulations, and sets date for finalizing negotiations on a proposed Pandemic Agreement
Read more from the WHO:
Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly – Daily update: 1 June 2024
Facts from the german governmental Robert Koch Institut RKI, known intern but not spoken to the people:
Sandy Barrett
Pro-family Canadians will silently protest the radical LGBT agenda

Walk Out/Pray-In on June 3

Walk Out/Pray-In on June 3 The National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day(s) are ongoing. Please keep your child(ren) home on June 3 & June 4 as well, or on whichever day their school …

Champions League: Real Madrid in Front of Our Lady

Real Madrid won the Champions League for a record 15th time on Saturday, beating Borussia Dortmund 2-0 at London's Wembley Stadium. It is the biggest European club soccer’s competition. A day later, …More
Real Madrid won the Champions League for a record 15th time on Saturday, beating Borussia Dortmund 2-0 at London's Wembley Stadium.
It is the biggest European club soccer’s competition. A day later, on Sunday, the players, coach Carlo Ancelotti and club president Florentino Pérez visited Madrid's cathedral to pray before the statue of Our Lady of Almudena.
They were received by Cardinal José Cobo of Madrid who said: "I don't know which team Christ would be a fan of, but he is with the good, self-sacrificing and noble sportsmen" [exactly the type of sportsmen that don't exist in today's commercial sport, where everything is about money].
Team captain Nacho Fernández offered a copy of the Champions League trophy to the statue. Croatian player Luka Modrić laid a bouquet of flowers in front of Madrid's patron saint.
Louis IX
Luka Modric, an all time great and a Catholic gentleman.

Der Krieg ist verloren - aber warum tötet Netanjahu Zivilisten in Rafah? Von Ramzy Baroud - Sicht vom …

Just hours after Israel carried out a gruesome massacre in Rafah, it carried out yet another massacre …

The Beacon of Mannheim

Germany mourns the death of Rouven L. (29). The young police officer succumbed to his severe injuries on Sunday afternoon. A young, hopeful life—extinguished. Two days ago, he …
Billy F
Mass deportation if you wish to survive!!!

Holy Martyrs of Uganda Protectors against Homosexuality, paganism and Apostasy

The Holy Martyrs of Uganda were killed for not giving in to the impure desires of a homosexual king. "They can burn our …
Tom Morelli
🤔 Watch Out ‘The Chosen’, New ‘Book of Mormon’ TV Series is in the WorksMore
🤔 Watch Out ‘The Chosen’, New ‘Book of Mormon’ TV Series is in the Works

Watch Out 'The Chosen', New 'Book of Mormon' TV Series is in the Works

Latter-Day Saint filmmakers are planning a new TV series inspired by ‘The Chosen’, except instead of featuring Jesus in the Gospels …
Billy F
Nope! Haven’t watched the Chosen either.

JK Rowling skewers Labour ‘complacency’ after Labour attack Tory vow to protect ‘biological sex’

JK Rowling has taken aim at Labour and, more specifically, Alastair Campbell after he shared his disgruntled …
Father Karl A Claver
She needs to wear a better blouse.