NEW: Bishop Huonder on SSPX — English captions available Youtube: Mein Weg zur FSSPX – mit Bischof Vitus Huonder (Die grosse Wunde | Teil 1)More
NEW: Bishop Huonder on SSPX — English captions available
Youtube: Mein Weg zur FSSPX – mit Bischof Vitus Huonder (Die grosse Wunde | Teil 1)
Sandy Barrett
Click Subtitles and the Translate button to read in English
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Cardinal Pell gets warm welcome at Abp Cordileone's St. Patrick's Seminary. Talks with seminarians about the chaos of secularism, celebrates Vespers and Holy Mass.
U S Spacy
I am so happy he is not another Winston Smith. 2 + 2 = 4 !
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone institutes a de-facto ‘novitiate’ year for diocesan seminarians entering formation.

With PPF stalled, bishop moves forward with seminary renewal

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone is the most recent American bishop to introduce a propaedeutic, or spirituality, year as a component of priestly …
“Celibacy is not the renouncing of a person outside us, but the concentration on a Person inside. Celibacy is not the renouncing of love; it is the …More
“Celibacy is not the renouncing of a person outside us, but the concentration on a Person inside. Celibacy is not the renouncing of love; it is the resolution to love as Christ loves.” Fulton Sheen