Marek Wójcik shares from Marek Wójcik
🇬🇧 Fundamentals of the global financial crisis

692. Fundamentals of the global financial crisis - World Scam

Vienna 06/09/2024 Do you have to be a professor at a business school to understand why a crisis is bound to occur in the near future? Not at …
De Profundis
St Ann’s church in Toronto, Canada, has been destroyed in fire. Nearly a hundred churches across Canada have been burned down or vandalized following accusations by leftist Justin Trudeau and the media …More
St Ann’s church in Toronto, Canada, has been destroyed in fire. Nearly a hundred churches across Canada have been burned down or vandalized following accusations by leftist Justin Trudeau and the media that the Catholic Church committed mass murder of indigenous children a century ago, which later turned out to be a blatant lie after excavations. Video: Erella Ganon
Jeffrey Ade
We are in a Chastisement. We have forgotten God, therefore we have become unworthy to have Holy places in our midst! God is beginning the purification …More
We are in a Chastisement. We have forgotten God, therefore we have become unworthy to have Holy places in our midst! God is beginning the purification process. I think this has been happening since at least the 1930's here in the States. We can follow the timeline of immoral behavior easily from that era. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
A Prayerful Response to Pride Month

A Prayerful Response to Pride Month

It’s June, and that means that everywhere you turn, you’ll be confronted with LGBTQ+ flags and banners, memes, and displays. But rather than get frustrated by this …
Vitam Aeternam shares from Scapular
Tom Jones shares from Tom Jones

Litany of the Saints (ancient version)

Great ideas for Cœur de Lozère Mende 1. MENDE: discover Mende and its magnificent Gothic cathedral. tourismoccitaniaMore
Great ideas for Cœur de Lozère Mende
1. MENDE: discover Mende and its magnificent Gothic cathedral.
Summer Reading Suggestion: The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich (Complete 2 Volume Set) The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich (Complete 2 Volume Set) Author: Fr. K. E. …More
Summer Reading Suggestion: The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich (Complete 2 Volume Set)
The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich (Complete 2 Volume Set)
Fr. K. E. Schmoger, CSsR
Billy F
Got it on my bookshelf. It is on my docket! 👍
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E A O'Hora

'...Even if all Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ride over our stricken nation, let us do our duty to God and country, knowing that even if these evils …

Cardinal Müller: It Is Impossible to Ordain Women

"A woman cannot be ordained a priest. It is sacramentally impossible," Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller told (7 June). He explained that Christ called only men to be apostles and that the priest …More
"A woman cannot be ordained a priest. It is sacramentally impossible," Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller told (7 June).
He explained that Christ called only men to be apostles and that the priest, in his masculinity, represents Christ, the bridegroom of the Church, which is his bride.
When women claim to have a "vocation", it is "a mistake", the Cardinal explained: "Women are not called to the sacred orders. This is pure subjectivism". Christ instituted this sacrament only for men and doesn't contradict himself.
Cardinal Müller also called the abuse hoax an "ideology" based on anti-church prejudice: "Statistically, 95% of child abuse [Austrian figures: 99.7%] occurs in the area of family and youth education, which has nothing to do with the hierarchical-sacramental constitution of the Church and the celibacy of priests".
The Cardinal warns against placing priests under general suspicion. "It is typical of old and new Marxist ideologies that it is not the individual who is guilty of …More
There is only ONE SOLUTION to this conundrum: The next Holy Roman Pontiff will have to, by his full and supreme Apostolic authority and in a manner …More
There is only ONE SOLUTION to this conundrum: The next Holy Roman Pontiff will have to, by his full and supreme Apostolic authority and in a manner that is explicit, incontrovertible, immutable and undeniable, Infallibly Declare, Decree and Define ex Cathedra that it is eternally impossible for women or females of our species to be conferred, or to receive, Holy Orders, by the personal mandate and specific designation of Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself when He established the Priesthood while physically present here on earth. And then, the Holy Father must forthwith promulgate such an infallible proclamation throughout the whole Church and the entire world as an irreformable Dogma of the Faith that must be strictly believed, firmly held and adhered to in perpetuity by all the Catholic Faithful without dissension, debate or discussion forever, everywhere and always, upon the pain of the most severe canonical consequences possible. Afterward — AND MOST IMPORTANTLY — he must see to it that …More
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Tom Morelli
According to Mercola, who wrote the book last time, most people who may possibly get the bird flu, (tested by the fake test???)are people intimately …More
According to Mercola, who wrote the book last time, most people who may possibly get the bird flu, (tested by the fake test???)are people intimately connected with the huge bird factories.
Get ready for the next attempted derailment of Trump!
Our Lady of the Revelation on OBEDIENCE! One of the most touching visions is that of 28 April 1986. Cornacchiola found himself in St. Peter’s Square and Our Lady says to him: “Although the one who …More
Our Lady of the Revelation on OBEDIENCE!
One of the most touching visions is that of 28 April 1986. Cornacchiola found himself in St. Peter’s Square and Our Lady says to him:
“Although the one who gives an order seems in error, you are bound to obey, unless that order touches faith, morality and charity. Then no! “(Op. Cit., P. 174).
Global Earthquake, Nuclear War, Apostasy, Invasion of Italy, Destruction in Vatican

Global Earthquake, Nuclear War, Apostasy, Invasion of Italy, Destruction in Vatican

The End Times Prophecies of the Three Fountains “Saverio Gaeta wrote an interesting book called In April 12, 1947, …
Live Mike
For the "mentally challenged" (aka retarded) who think a vote for Donald Trump is synonymous with peace...

Trump Says Israel Needs to 'Finish The Job' in Gaza, Pledges to Restore Israel Lobby's Power Over …

Trump Says Israel Needs to 'Finish The Job' in Gaza, Pledges to Restore Israel Lobby's Power Over …
Clement Jaeho Chung
Thanks for sharing it!!!! yes!! Trump and Republican Party support to wrong way too!!! Trump and Republican Party support to wrong Zionism...but so many …More
Thanks for sharing it!!!! yes!! Trump and Republican Party support to wrong way too!!! Trump and Republican Party support to wrong Zionism...but so many people are ignore to this truth...they just saying...Trump and Republican Party will come back....everything will be great, Trump and Republican Party save the all World...sadly so many Orthodox Catholic People support to this horrible situation!!! above Trump's time....they punish to great Tanzanian Political man....Governor of Dar es Salam..Paul Makonda can't visit to cause he against to LGBT Ideologies...but so many Trump Supporters ignore to this stupid....just we believe to our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus...just we believe to Holy Mary and All Anges and Saints even though Trump and Republican Party will be come back...looks just little bit better than Biden and now Democrats....but they will almost same...thanks for sharing this great news again....God bless always you and all your …More
Billy F

True Israel!

Catholicism is post Messianic Judaism. Judaism is Pre Messianic Catholicism. They are in fact the true continuum of True Israel. Talmudic Zionist Jews reject the True Messiah and have nothing to do with …More
Catholicism is post Messianic Judaism. Judaism is Pre Messianic Catholicism. They are in fact the true continuum of True Israel. Talmudic Zionist Jews reject the True Messiah and have nothing to do with True and Eternal Israel. There is no way to the Father without the Son!
John 14:6
Hebrews 8:13
Matthew 21:33-43
1 John 2:22-23
Galatians 6:15-17
Let us also pray for the Jews: That our Lord may illuminate their hearts, that they acknowledge Jesus Christ is the Savior of all men. Almighty and eternal God, who wants that all men be saved and come to the recognition of the truth, propitiously grant that even as the fullness of the peoples enters Thy Church, all Israel be saved. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Modern Talmudic Zionists are now Esau. They rejected their Birthright. They rejected the True Messiah. The Blessing has now been given to others. Catholics are now Jacob. The Mosaic/Sinai Covenant is ended and cannot save you. The Vail was ripped apart, The Temple is destroyed. The 613…More
Dr Bobus
Catholicism is not post Messianic Judaism. Rather, Judaism is the ante-type of Catholicism. The Mosaic Covenant is not ended, but it was oriented to …More
Catholicism is not post Messianic Judaism. Rather, Judaism is the ante-type of Catholicism.
The Mosaic Covenant is not ended, but it was oriented to temporal rather than eternal life. Thus, the moral precepts (Ten Commandments) perdure.
Ivan Tomas
Amen to that, bro William! God bless you and all yours!More
Amen to that, bro William!
God bless you and all yours!
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Pierre Henri
CLOWNSHOW: Mexican Health Secretary Accuses WHO of Misinformation Over Alleged New Bird Flu Strain That Killed 59-Year-Old ManMore
CLOWNSHOW: Mexican Health Secretary Accuses WHO of Misinformation Over Alleged New Bird Flu Strain That Killed 59-Year-Old Man

CLOWNSHOW: Mexican Health Secretary Accuses WHO of Misinformation Over Alleged New Bird Flu Strain …

Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer has refuted claims made by the World Health Organization (WHO …

The knife in the heart of multicultural Europe

by Giulio Meotti For a few minutes, an Afghan migrant wanders around the stand of the civil movement “Pax Europa” in Mannheim, Germany. An Israeli flag …
Conferences of St. John Cassian - Conference 22: Two On Nocturnal Illusions Part II For more the audio only please visit & to support Fr, who does a lot of podcast here HOME | …More
Conferences of St. John Cassian - Conference 22: Two On Nocturnal Illusions Part II
For more the audio only please visit & to support Fr, who does a lot of podcast here HOME | PhilokaliaMinistries please visit Supporting Philokalia Ministries & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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Jeffrey Ade
St. Therese, the little flower!

St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Expiatory Victim

Catholic Virtues St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Expiatory Victim The great sinners are those sick children upon whom the treasures of the Church are …

182. Fulfilled in our heart

We’re invited to say like Jesus: “Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” Luke, chapter 4, verse 21 Today, what God offers, is fulfilled in our heart because we freely accept it.…More
We’re invited to say like Jesus:
“Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” Luke, chapter 4, verse 21
Today, what God offers, is fulfilled in our heart because we freely accept it. Let's meditate on what we receive. Then, about what we must offer.
May the Holy Trinity inspire us with the urgency of evangelization for our time, for today. Not the urgency to run everywhere and in all directions, but the urgency to recognize what we receive from God and to overflow with all that we receive, to be filled and to quench the thirst of love that so many are longing for.
It’s also important to always adjust our dedication to what each person really needs. We’re called to be charitable, watchful and just.
The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Up! Let's go!, Normand Thomas

Dead at 33: "Look, Dad, I Didn't Change, I Am only Dressed in Brown"

Sister Belén de la Cruz was 33 years old when she died of ovarian cancer in 2018 at the Carmelite convent in San Calixto (Cordoba), Spain. Before joining the Carmelites in 2005, she was a student at …More
Sister Belén de la Cruz was 33 years old when she died of ovarian cancer in 2018 at the Carmelite convent in San Calixto (Cordoba), Spain.
Before joining the Carmelites in 2005, she was a student at the elite Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF) in Madrid and the golf champion of Andalusia.
Even as a child, she was very good at sports. She loved cycling, football and golf, but she didn't like competition.
A month before she entered the convent, she won a golf prize in Puerto de Santa María, but on the photo with all the winners, she was missing.
Sister Belén's fame began after her death, her father Estanislao Pery Paredes told (5 June).
For example: More than 600 people attended her funeral on a rainy Saturday afternoon. Most of them were outside the church, getting wet.
She was 19 or 20 when she wrote her first letter to the prioress of San Calixto, who did not make it easy for her because she was so young. She was 21 when she entered.
The first few months …More
Father Karl A Claver
This is very inspirational.
Jeffrey Ade
What a beautiful story!

From Tragedy to Farce: Francis Meets Anti-Christian Clowns

On 14 June, Francis will receive 173 personalities from the entertainment world, unknown to most Catholics, who have better things to know and to do. Francis who has lost the link to ordinary Catholics …More
On 14 June, Francis will receive 173 personalities from the entertainment world, unknown to most Catholics, who have better things to know and to do.
Francis who has lost the link to ordinary Catholics, wants to “establish a link between the Catholic Church and comic artists.” 67 of them are Italian. Among the time wasters are pro-abortion Whoopi Goldberg or blasphemer Stephen Colbert and - very appropriate in the world of comic - the homosexual activist James Martin SJ.
Goldberg, who had more than five abortion before the age 25, is a homosexual- and abortion activist. She was received by Francis in October. In April, she claimed that abortion is "not mentioned" in the Ten Commandments.
In the summer of 2020, Stephen Colbert has portrayed Jesus Christ as a cartoon figure to mock Vice President Mike Pence’s faith: “Pence, you've got to stop saying you get your political ideas from me.” And, “You make me look like a jer," declares the cartoon Christ.
He also said that “this COVID thing …More
Christopher Shahrazade
Pope Francis won't be alive for long I say not as a nasty comment by a young Catholic who doesn't like him, but as a reality, He's going to be 88 I …More
Pope Francis won't be alive for long I say not as a nasty comment by a young Catholic who doesn't like him, but as a reality, He's going to be 88 I think. Is there a good cardinal electable who can clean up this mess, or are we going to be stuck with either a "do-nothing" Pope, or a "Francis II"? I wasn't even alive for a good part of JPII's term, but he didn't seem to do anything except travel. Benedict XVI was the only Pope of my lifetime I was old enough to recognize as a real Pope......he looked, dressed, acted like the classical Pope. Now that I'm out of college and alittle older, I respect him so much more for all that, especially considering the radical liberal idiot who we have now, and ann the homos he's appointed to high Vatican and other offices. THis meeting with entertainment people his his attempt to trivialize the Papacy more.........but he really degraded the Papacy/Church when he hosted TRANS prostitutes to lunch at the Vatican. My question-----IS THERE A GOOD CARDINAL …More
All are welcome, everyone, everyone, lol.
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