Services Live On The Internet. Isn't technology wonderful? Churches are starting to stream their services online and live. This church in the Boston area had their webcam up while they decorated for …More
Services Live On The Internet.

Isn't technology wonderful? Churches are starting to stream their services online and live. This church in the Boston area had their webcam up while they decorated for Christmas Eve Services. So I peaked in every once and a while to see how things were going. That's about as close as I'll get to experiencing heaven till I get there. Click on this link and see for yourself what's going on and maybe you too will get the experience of knowing what looking down from heaven might be like.

One last comment - sometimes they turn out the lights, so the webcam might not be to cool after dark. They need to get some LED LIGHTS to keep it lit 24 hours a day. After all GOD works in the LIGHT and avoids the dark.

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