
Michael Voris Starts a New Website

Weeks after leaving ChurchMilitant.com, which he founded, homosexual Michael Voris has launched another media venture.

ChurchMilitant.com was shut down amid personal, legal and financial storms. Among other things, ChurchMilitant.com had published slander, lies and fabricated stories.

The new domain is GodAndCountry.blog. The site is titled: Church Militant. A Home for Sinners Seeking to Build the Kingdom of God, and aims to save "our American Constitutional, Democratic Republic" and appeals to "our patriotic duty".

The business address is in Houston, Texas. The street (1415 S. Voss Rd. Ste 110) is a UPC store, according to Google Street View.

The new website features some articles written by Voris and his former colleagues Jules Gomes, Simon Rafe, Barbara Toth.


E Michael Jones diagnosed this one perfectly
chris griffin
Give the guy a break and pray for him to repent from homosexuality.
English Catholic
@chris griffin This isn't just a case of some male who had a one-off fling with a female. Homosexuality is an unnatural vice - a deep-seated psychosexual disorder, which has plagued Voris prior to, and throughout his public life; which has helped to destroy Church Militant, and brought the Church into disrepute - not to mention giving the LGBT lobby a stick to beat Catholics with. Yes, we should …More
@chris griffin This isn't just a case of some male who had a one-off fling with a female. Homosexuality is an unnatural vice - a deep-seated psychosexual disorder, which has plagued Voris prior to, and throughout his public life; which has helped to destroy Church Militant, and brought the Church into disrepute - not to mention giving the LGBT lobby a stick to beat Catholics with. Yes, we should pray for his repentance, but he must stay out of the limelight, which is extremely dangerous for a person with his condition. Please see the excerpt from E Michael Jones booklet at the end of this thread.
Will this guy never go away??
English Catholic
Not until his underlying narcissistic disorder is addressed.
English Catholic
What happened to the millions of dollars left over from Church Militant?
Patricia McKeever
@English Catholic
Key question - but where to look for the key answer? That is another key question 😉
De Profundis
Are there any?
English Catholic
@De Profundis, well I read there was $4.89 million dollars, ChurchMilitant.com to Cease Operations In April and $500,000 had to be paid to some priest that Church Militant had defamed, leaving $4.39 million. I assume staff costs would have had to have been met, but even so . . . ?
Pulitzer Prize suspect
John A Cassani
His non-profit may still be alive, despite the demise of Church Militant.
English Catholic
It's all different in the UK (obviously). Everything has to be made transparent through the Charities Commission. Accounts have to be published etc.
English Catholic
Comment made on GTV by @lancs1 on 13 April 2022 "Worth considering Jules Gomes's public history. Born a Catholic in Goa, India. Apostatised and was "ordained" in the Church of North India. Taught in Evangelical theological colleges in London. Briefly a Canon at the Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool and lecturer at the Ecumenical Hope University before resigning for a small Anglican parish on the Isle …More
Comment made on GTV by @lancs1 on 13 April 2022 "Worth considering Jules Gomes's public history. Born a Catholic in Goa, India. Apostatised and was "ordained" in the Church of North India. Taught in Evangelical theological colleges in London. Briefly a Canon at the Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool and lecturer at the Ecumenical Hope University before resigning for a small Anglican parish on the Isle of Man. Subject to a Bishop's Disiciplinary Tribunal and Clergy Discipline Measure after allegations were made of bullying and other inappropriate behaviour. The tribunal found against him. Resigned from the Church of England to set up his own "Independent Anglican" church. Then turns up as Rome correspondent for Church Militant and is suddenly a devout Catholic again.... Short take: doesn't get on with "lesser" people and holds others to standards he himself may not meet."

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Jules Gomes was also criticised by Michael Matt on a recent Remnant video at about 5:00 minutes in: From The Remnant: CHRIST is KING: Candace Owens Is Right

Anyone know anything about Barbara Toth?
Patricia McKeever
@English Catholic
WOW! Your research skills are second to none. I have no intention of Googling Barbara Toth because I could bet a pound to a penny that you have already uncovered everything there is to know about her or (in case she is Scots) him 😂
De Profundis
Incredibly good found. Thank you, @English Catholic
English Catholic
Wasn't Simon Rafe involved in some scandal sometime back as well - writing inappropriate sexy novels or something like that. Well, it was inevitable that Voris was going to come back. It's just as inevitable that he will crash again.
Sandy Barrett
Didn't we all expect Voris to attempt a comeback?
Wilma Lopez
My opinion: a narcissist with expensive medical bills
Philadelphia Trad
Please everyone. Don’t go to his website and don’t read any links of his forwarded to you. This guy needs to go away forever and spend the rest of his days in prayer.
All Saints
English Catholic
@Philadelphia Trad If anyone is foolish enough to support this venture, knowing Voris's history, then they deserve all the disappointment that will inevitably come.
True, classical narcissism in its most chronic, malignant and pathological form….he can’t help himself. Sad…just so pitifully and pathetically sad.
English Catholic
@SonoftheChurch Exactly. Narcissism. His parting Church Militant video on 'X' (Twitter) stated he was going to get all the help he needed, blah, blah, blah, but it seems the time (a mere few months) has been spent in planning and setting up this new venture? What about his 'spiritual recovery'?
Sean Johnson
Jules, Simon, and Toth? Those names are interesting, eh?
Sounds like a New England law firm. 😆
Though disgraced, it appears Voris still can influence others. Case in point, I see Jules Gomes (who I admired for his work on the former Church Militant) has written an article for Voris' new venture.
Patricia McKeever
@Orthocat - or put another way... Though disgraced, it appears Voris still has some nerve...
Gomes calls this project the "new Church Militant"
It is not that easy to get rid of homosexual "demons"/addictions within weeks. Remember him sending half-naked pictures to collegues?
Credo .
O dear, O dear; When will you ever learn?
P. O'B
Reminds me a little of Fr. Corapi's Black Sheepdog website, which didn't last long. Fr. Corapi has repented, I have read. And presumably Michael Voris has as well, judging from this effort. But better if he would lie low for the rest of his days.
Patricia McKeever
@P.O.B If he has truly repented, he will prove it by staying out of the limelight and away from the dollars.
De Profundis
It seems, Voris has spent hundreds of thousands of Dollar on his lifestyle. Including gay bars...
Sally Dorman
Fr Corapi briefly tried to mount a comeback as “the black sheepdog.” There are second acts in American hustles; seldom third.
English Catholic
@Patricia McKeever I wonder if Voris will start up the 'Church Militant' cruises again. A company was formed at one point for these cruises, apparently. Although why someone needs to go on a luxury cruise to learn about the Faith, goodness only knows.
Patricia McKeever
@English Catholic
Well, I could learn a lot on a cruise - I've always wanted to go on a cruise (the Loch Lomond trip doesn't count). What could one learn about the Faith, you ask... I could reflect carefully ( 🤔) on the miraculous draught of fish and other events which took place on or around the Sea of Galilee - and that's just for starters. So, don't knock it - a cruise (5 Star of course) is a …More
@English Catholic
Well, I could learn a lot on a cruise - I've always wanted to go on a cruise (the Loch Lomond trip doesn't count). What could one learn about the Faith, you ask... I could reflect carefully ( 🤔) on the miraculous draught of fish and other events which took place on or around the Sea of Galilee - and that's just for starters. So, don't knock it - a cruise (5 Star of course) is a great idea. If Voris is looking for his own personal Pastoral Assistant, someone to make sure he doesn't find himself all at sea, out of his depth (so to speak) I'm the gal for the job... 😎 😎
English Catholic
@Patricia McKeever I don't think you would like that job . . . the following excerpt is from E Michael Jones booklet: 'The Man Behind the Curtain - Michael Voris and the Homosexual Vortex' (Fidelity Press, 2016)
"The infallible sign that an “apostolate” has become a racket is the benefactor cruise. Church Militant TV was no exception to this rule. On April 2, 2016, Voris and his benefactors set …More
@Patricia McKeever I don't think you would like that job . . . the following excerpt is from E Michael Jones booklet: 'The Man Behind the Curtain - Michael Voris and the Homosexual Vortex' (Fidelity Press, 2016)

"The infallible sign that an “apostolate” has become a racket is the benefactor cruise. Church Militant TV was no exception to this rule. On April 2, 2016, Voris and his benefactors set sail on Church Militant’s fourth annual “retreat at sea,” a cruise along the coast of California which included “13 exclusive conferences given by Michael Voris” on topics like “Crisis in the Church” and “Purity” as well as daily Mass and Eucharistic adoration, all followed by meals prepared by the Ruby Princess chefs, who are “true culinary artists” who make each meal “an unforgettable gourmet experience.”

There was more than a little irony involved in the cruise. As Maureen Mullarkey later put it: “Your best hope is to pay up for his luxury Lenten cruise (“at the foot of the Cross” on the Ruby Princess), daiquiri in hand, and seagulls overhead.” Beyond the obvious cognitive dissonance which meditation on the Cross of Christ caused when linked to unforgettable gourmet meals, there was the added irony involved in the fact that Voris was a frequent habitué of gay cruises during his years as an active homosexual. The fact that Voris kept photo albums of those cruises, which included photos of his “marriage” ceremony to the man who made him HIV positive was some indication that he had more than a lingering attachment to his former life. The “retreat at sea” cruise was just one more indication that Voris was acting out a spiritual version of the same life he had lived as a homosexual.

There were other indications that he wanted to hold on to his past while still clinging to the belief that he was leading a new, more spiritual life. In addition to being narcissistic, Voris was obsessive/compulsive and had filing cabinets full of receipts from every gay spa and restaurant he had ever frequented, which indicated more attachment to his former life as well as the fact that he trivialized the degree of sin that he had been involved in. Voris’s homosexuality was not an isolated incident; it was a public commitment, as symbolized by his “marriage” ceremony at sea, that continued for years. The fact that he had broken with former sex partners was not a sign that he had broken with the past, but was simply typical of the homosexual scene, where relationships don’t last. You simply have sex and move on. Gay culture is completely narcissistic. Once a homosexual has sex, he has no more use for a sex partner; he cuts them off, and they are dead to him."

But never mind @Patricia McKeever I'll take you for an all expenses paid cruise up the River Thames one day if you come to London. I'll even pay for the rowing boat, and bring the sandwiches and energy drink for lunch (P.S. You'll need the energy drink - rowing can be hard work 😉 ).
Patricia McKeever
@English Catholic Astonishing information about Voris and cruises (of both kinds 😉) and your final paragraph is hilarious. I'll start the arm exercises without delay 😂