
Catholic Archbishop: No Guns in My Churches

This news item is also covered in today's video news from Lucia.

The law, which makes it easier for licensed gun owners to carry firearms into churches, bars, restaurants, and airports, is set to take effect July 1.

Georgia has always banned licensed weapons in churches, but the new legislation drops the penalty to a $100 fine and the legal charge to a misdemeanor. It was opposed by the Georgia Catholic Conference, the National Catholic Reporter noted.

"The last thing we need is more firearms in public places, especially in those places frequented by children and the vulnerable," Gregory wrote.

In his column, Gregory said that "churches and other places of worship are intended to be sanctuaries – holy sites where people come to pray and to worship God."

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In his column, Gregory said that "churches and other places of worship are intended to be sanctuaries – holy sites where people come to pray and to worship God."
Bishop Gregory: Tell that to the next armed criminal who will go to an Atlanta Catholic Church because he knows the sheep have no way to protect themselves since YOU have disarmed them.
Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm …More
In his column, Gregory said that "churches and other places of worship are intended to be sanctuaries – holy sites where people come to pray and to worship God."

Bishop Gregory: Tell that to the next armed criminal who will go to an Atlanta Catholic Church because he knows the sheep have no way to protect themselves since YOU have disarmed them.

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.
~Thomas Jefferson~