
Meditation for Pentecost Sunday: The Holy Spirit, whom my Father will send in my name, will teach you


The Holy Spirit that my Father will send in my name, will teach you and suggest to you all the things that I have said to you . (S. John, ch. 14)

I. Consider the extreme charity and the excessive goodness that God shows today to his Church, giving her his Spirit and his love, and bringing down upon her the very source of all heavenly gifts .
We can truly say that on this holy day the cataracts of heaven were opened, that the fountains of the great abyss of graces were as it were broken, and that a new flood of love and charity spread over Earth.
After this, can it be that your soul will always remain like dry and barren land? and should you not expose your heart to this celestial dew, so that it may be abundantly penetrated and watered with this living water which springs up to eternal life? Therefore join your sentiments to those of the whole Church, and say with her: Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the Faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your holy love .

II . Consider that the Holy Spirit, by coming into a soul, confers on it sanctifying grace, which is a participation of his infinite holiness; moreover, he further adorns it with all the supernatural virtues, and he particularly enriches it with the seven celestial gifts, by which he makes it capable of receiving his impressions and his divine wills.
Oh ! if you knew the excellence and inestimable price of these gifts of the Holy Spirit, with what ardor would you ask for them! and having obtained them, with what care and ardor would you strive to preserve them and make them grow within you!

III. Consider that the first of these gifts of the Holy Spirit is the gift of Wisdom , by which we receive a completely celestial light, and we taste with a very pure love divine and supernatural things.
Oh ! that a soul who possesses this gift of wisdom looks at God in a way very different from that of ordinary Christians! that she penetrates much further than they into these great truths, which divine wisdom has deigned to teach us through her Gospel!
If you have low thoughts and unworthy of the greatness and perfections of God; if your spirit is still crawling on the earth, it is because you neglect this gift, or you leave it useless in your heart, or perhaps you do not even know what true wisdom is.


Ask, on this great day, the Spirit of truth who enlightens you;
The Spirit of holiness which purifies you;
The Spirit of strength which animates us.

(Meditation taken fromThe Crown of the Christian Year )

taken from the excellent Catholic blog : le-petit-sacristain.blogspot.com