
Temptations Homily Wednesday 2016-03-02

Lent forces us to think about temptations, and do we yield to them in their many forms? The devil tempted Jesus. After refusing to give in to three major-league temptations, the devil departed Jesus – for a time, so we’re told in the Gospel.

The devil always comes back because he (she) wants us to live by his (her) Beatitudes. Some are:

Blessed are those who claim to love God at the same time as hating other people.

They are mine forever.
Blessed are the trouble makers.
They shall be called my children.
Blessed are those Christians who wait to be asked and expect to be thanked.
I can use them.
Blessed are the touchy. With a bit of luck they may even stop going to Church.
They are my missionaries.
Blessed are those that have no time to pray.
They are easy prey for me.

Perhaps our remembering that God is love will help us resist. God is always present when love is given and received. Love is a temptation we cannot and should not resist. Temptation surely is good for us when we yield to the love offered us by our God.

Deacon David Pierce
