St. Joseph a co-redeemer? Msgr. Arthur Calkins Responds to Bishop Rhoades - Our Lady of America In 2020, following an investigation of the apparitions of Our Lady of America, which included St. Joseph …More
St. Joseph a co-redeemer? Msgr. Arthur Calkins Responds to Bishop Rhoades - Our Lady of America

In 2020, following an investigation of the apparitions of Our Lady of America, which included St. Joseph, a statement was released by Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana, stating that he did not find the apparitions to be of supernatural origin.

He also took issue with one of the revelations given to Sister (in October of 1956) concerning St. Joseph being a “co-redeemer”. However, on 21 December 2020, Monsignor Arthur Burton Calkins, S.T.D. published a rebuttal with his defense of St. Joseph being a co-redeemer, along with his own findings regarding the authenticity of the apparitions overall. Presented in this vid are a few brief excerpts from his letter concerning St. Joseph.

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Read the Monsignor’s rebuttal in its entirety: Some Comments on the Statement Regarding the Devotion to Our Lady of America of May 7, 2020 By Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades and Five Other Ordinaries