Philadelphia Trad

Bp. Schneider told PCh24pl Fiducia Supplicans “undermines” Catholic doctrine & “in practice even …

Well duh Bishop Schneider. Ever thought that maybe a true holy father would never be permitted by the Divine Providence to issue such a middle finger to Holy Mother Church?
Philadelphia Trad

Franciscan University professor calls for Pope Francis to resign following homosexual 'blessings' text …

He can't resign from a job he doesn't have or has never had.
Philadelphia Trad

Judge set to reveal claims about Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein

Pray that this judge doesn’t “commit suicide.”
Philadelphia Trad

The priest is even wearing a rainbow stole to celebrate the spontanious blessing

I really hope that’s a lutheran or episcopal church
Philadelphia Trad

How would you describe Pope Francis in one word?

Philadelphia Trad

Ferndale Calling…

I sincerely hope that no one is giving them any money. Not one red cent. Let what’s left of that vile tabloid trash organization decompose like garbage in the landfill.
Philadelphia Trad

Boring: Italian Priest Comes Up with Homosex Crib

Add this one to my long list of evidence that an antichurch is quickly manifesting under the shadow of the wicked antipope squatting on the Chair of St. Peter. Stay confessed and stay rigid.
Philadelphia Trad

Money has taken over our societies and their architecture

So true. Modernist art, music and architecture is de-humanizing and does not age well. You can’t say the same about the four classical examples. There’s a reason why the communists built poured concrete boxes for thousands of people to live on top of each other.
Philadelphia Trad

Bishop Robert Barron's statement regarding ”Fiducia Supplicans” [what a coward this Barron is]

I don’t know if Barron is a sodomite or not. What I do know by his actions is that he’s a weak, effeminate politician and the same can be said for 99+ percent of the worlds cardinals and bishops! The martyred saints and doctors of the Church in Heaven would never have run around, kissing the rear end of a satantic antipope like Jorge bergoglio in the public square like these guys.
Philadelphia Trad

FSSP Priest, 47, Dies in Fire

Eternal rest grant unto him Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Philadelphia Trad

The Reason Is Evident: Francis Wants To Be Buried In Santa Maria Maggiore

He CAN’T be buried at St. Peter’s cause he isn’t the pope. This is the Divine Providence at work. There is no “pope Francis” it’s a lie, a deception.
Philadelphia Trad

Francis Is Sick

Good. I hope this period of poor heath causes him to wake up, convert to Catholicism, repent of all his evil ways. Leave the Vatican and spend his remaining time in prayer and penance.
Philadelphia Trad

Gates Foundation Insider Boasts BILLIONS Will Die In 2024 Plandemic

Everyone. Please start talking about this now. This is definitely for real. I saw a feature earlier this week on the ABC evening news about the “respiratory illness spreading in china.” This is the same, exact covidism story all over again. Call it out now before it spreads too far and fools billions of people (again).
Philadelphia Trad

The New York Times have said that three children being stabbed in Dublin were 'rumours

The New York Times is the equivalent of used toilet paper
Philadelphia Trad

"Out!" Irish families against illegal, uncontrolled and indiscriminate immigration. They only ask for …

Dear Ireland, please rise up and leave the European Union. You were enslaved for centuries by the English and you’re enslaved right now by the globalists. It’s time to break free. St. Patrick, pray for us.
Philadelphia Trad

The Saviour - 🇵🇸 More and more CHILDREN and CIVILIANS are being found underneath the rubble of destroyed …

They want to completely eradicate the population of Gaza so they can extend Israel all the way over into a soon-to-be emptied Gaza. The West Bank is next. The plan for the Palestinians the Israelis don’t kill is for the US and EU to take them as migrants. Nikki Haley and that AOC tramp are already pre-selling this.
Philadelphia Trad

Connecticut Archbishop Calls for Female Deacons, Moving Vatican Out of Rome

These people WANT more church closings. Why? They don’t like the Catholic Church and its teachings. They’d rather burn it all down rather than reverse the damage that Vatican II has done.
Philadelphia Trad

Michael Voris Fired After "Breaching Morality Clause"

@Foxx269 its not Voris’ same-sex attraction that’s the problem but instead the narcissism of his persona, along with his legacy of trying to destroy the lives and finances of the priests, bishops, religious and laity and he and Christine Niles targeted over the years. I think Voris blew it with this “me, me, me” twitter/X confessional. He (and Niles) show no remorse for the destruction to others …More
@Foxx269 its not Voris’ same-sex attraction that’s the problem but instead the narcissism of his persona, along with his legacy of trying to destroy the lives and finances of the priests, bishops, religious and laity and he and Christine Niles targeted over the years. I think Voris blew it with this “me, me, me” twitter/X confessional. He (and Niles) show no remorse for the destruction to others they personally caused. I pray they both will truly go away - no comeback please - get some good spiritual guidance, and spend the rest of their days in humility, prayer and penance.
Philadelphia Trad

Michael Voris Fired After "Breaching Morality Clause"

@Irishpol i think you’re on to something. Both this twitter/x video Voris put out and the one Christine Niles put out (equally narcissistic) urge continued $upport for church militant. I hope that does not happen. That organization worked overtime to visciously destroy lives and take down the Carmelites, the SSPX and other wings of the Church that were devout and traditional. I hope everyone still …More
@Irishpol i think you’re on to something. Both this twitter/x video Voris put out and the one Christine Niles put out (equally narcissistic) urge continued $upport for church militant. I hope that does not happen. That organization worked overtime to visciously destroy lives and take down the Carmelites, the SSPX and other wings of the Church that were devout and traditional. I hope everyone still working there finds new jobs and church militant goes out of business. With friends like church militant, who needs the Freemasons?